3 weeks in a flash!

3 weeks in a flash!

Can you get any quicker than a "Flash"??? 'Cause that's the way my life seems to be disappearing at the moment. One minute I'm ranting about making sure you vote tomorrow and now I'm 3 weeks into thinking why did I bother!!!

No politics tonight, you'll be glad to know although I do tend to go off at a tangent occasionally or should I say regularly, so who knows, eh???

I used to be able to multi-task but now it takes all my effort to stay focused on one task. A sign of being a little overwhelmed perhaps??

Q: And the remedy for that, Linsey, is???

A: Elm is the Bach Flower remedy for feeling overwhelmed.

Q: And do you have that remedy in your mix right now, Linsey???

A: Dohhhhhhhhh

Recently I seem to be having to remind myself frequently to walk my talk. It has been a busy few weeks with mum not being well and running around doing x, y and z but I think that I should know by now to look after myself a little better.

My relationship with my mum has always been "interesting" and in recent years it has become one of my main challenges. I have been searching for a way to connect with her and it has eluded me till last week when I realised that I use up far more energy avoiding visiting her more than I would if I just popped in for a few minutes to see her.

To explain this further. My mum visited her mother every day and I promised myself that I would never do that!! She did it from duty and not choice and I think became resentful of it and would rather have been at home with us instead.I thought that if I visited her less and spent the time with my kids, that we missed with her, it would be much better. And the being with my kids is! But, I realised last week that perhaps I actually want to go to see her more often than I do and I'm forcing myself to do otherwise.Plus I realised that if I did it out of choice and outwith the kids' time, it would be totally different from mums scenario with her mother.

So after my revelation and decision to spend more time visiting I was shattered to have to have her admitted to hospital that very day!! I have to say that I could see the irony of it all and it would have been easy to throw up my hands and say "enough already" but somewhere deep inside I prayed that she'd regain her strength and get home again so that I could put my revelation to the test.

And she is gaining weight and beginning to chat like she hasn't for weeks and I am hopeful that she and I can redevelop our relationship into one where we are two people who communicate with each other rather than two people who constantly seem to defend their corners and don't really say anything.

Elderly parents give us a chance to look at ourselves as we may be in the coming years. Let's try to imagine how we would like to be regarded by our children and how we would like them to interact with us. If they constantly hear us complaining about our parents they will regard it as normal practice and perhaps that's where I've gone wrong all these years. I have to unlearn my though patterns regarding an elderly mother and make the relationship the way I want it.

 This all seems awfy familiar-hopefully I have not just duplicated another blog?? I'm too tired to check them as it's 23.40 and I'm just hitting the deadline with this.

For those of you who read regularly, the Moonwalk was fab! All 7 of us did exceptionally great jobs of getting each other to the finish line in just under 8 hrs. We walked along the coast from Cramond to Porty with the sun coming up and turning the morning into a beautiful warm, sunny day! The Porty Prom was our longest mile with a blister-stop, a pee-stop and a photo-stop but it was rewarded by our loved ones being out to support us with waves and posters and tea/coffee and strawberries! I think that we must have been the luckiest ladies walking because it was perfect timing to give us all the boost to manage the last 4-5 miles back to Inverleith and my first ever medal at the ripe old age of 47!!

Weight loss? I managed to shed 14lbs during our training, which was great and I've decided to keep walking a couple of 3-4 miles midweek and all 7 of us will meet up to walk 5-7 miles on the weekends. So the next 14lbs will come off much slower but they will go! (Actually, I'd settle for 7 more!)

And on that happy note, I'm off to bed feeling glad that I did this blog as I feel very happy with all that's in my life just now even if I am scared to blink in case I miss another week.

Be kind to yourself and others,



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