Agrimony to help you to feel what you may not know you're hiding from.

Agrimony to help you to feel what you may not know you're hiding from.

This morning brought a feeling of 'flatness' which I recognise as my sign to hide away because I am not yet ready to face my other feelings. A meditation, some Wild Rose (for apathy/flatness) a chat with a great friend on Skype, with free flowing tears and I am feeling somewhat better, if not exactly happy.

Pondering this emotional experience, whilst doing some heart-centred crochet, it dawned on me that I put the remedy Agrimony into my mix on Sunday.

Agrimony helps you to feel what you're hiding from yourself and others and so it really isn't surprising that I have allowed myself to write about how I'm feeling and showed my tears to folks today.

I am constantly amazed by these little remedies and how they work their magic. I wasn't even aware that I needed an emotional release. I had put myself on Agrimony because I was struggling to decline an invitation for Christmas Eve. I guess the Universe knew there were bigger reasons for adding it to my mix.

I have done a couple of consultations with teenagers this past week and Agrimony is a remedy that I am very aware of, when I speak with young people. They are so worried about being judged by others that it can feel like they are being tormented internally. They are so scared that their thoughts are bonkers that they don't share them with anyone. What they don't know is that most of their friends are doing a pretty great job at pretending that everything is 'fine' in their world because they are worried that their thoughts are unacceptable.

Allowing yourself to be honest with yourself and others feels like a really difficult risk to take and lots of people will never find a way to do it. I will be forever grateful for the gift of the Bach Flower Remedies which continue to help me, even when I don't know that I need help.

Feeling lost and lonely and vulnerable in my new life was obviously too difficult to admit to even myself until the Agrimony opened up a line of communication with myself, over the last couple of days. Whew. 

Gently things will balance out now and I will notice more and more that I am able to experience my emotions as they come, without trying to hide from them (consciously or unconsciously) 

So, the next time people are amazed at how well you are coping, have a wee dose or two of Agrimony and check in with yourself.......just to make sure that you are as okay as you are telling yourself you are.


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