Attract everything you want by affirmation

Attract everything you want by affirmation

Have just finished a wonderful meditation session that a friend of mine did for a group of us as a practice for when she does it "for real" in a few weeks.

She really doesn't need the practice as she's great but she doesn't see that about herself.

Sound familiar??

Why is it that every man and his dog can see that you're fantastic but you can't see or feel it for yourself?

If you're reading this and recognising it, I'm not surprised. We're all great at saying that another person is really kind and funny and good company but when somebody points out that you are all of those things and more........why do you brush it off?

The next time that you hear yourself make fun of yourself....stop! Yes, it's a great giggle for everyone but our subconscious doesn't know that it's for fun and it will actually imprint the fact that we said we're stupid or an idiot and it will reinforce that feeling within us!

To some of you that may seem like a tall-tale but speaking from experience, it's got to be true.

I'm working in the reverse by telling myself that I'm wonderful and that I have all the power of the universe at my fingertips. Silly as it may sound, it's making an impression and despite the fact I perhaps don't completely love myself yet or truly believe that I'm the best thing since sliced bread, I have made huge leaps in that direction with the help of positive affirmations. These may feel like lies when you begin to say them to yourself but slowly they get easier to say and then you realise that there may be some truth in them. Eventually they will become a reality for you-trust me. And it's such an easy thing to do, taking hardly any time at all out of your busy day.

I always go to sleep thanking the univers for all the wonderful things in my life and I sit every morning (trying to wake up) with my coffee, thanking the universe for all the wonderful things it will attract towards me today!!

Silly? I think not! I'm happy, after all and is that not what we all crave?

Give it a try this week and see how you get on.

The affirmation could be as simple as "I am a really happy person". If you can turn that into a daily reality it would mean that all the areas of your life were good and that you would have made it happen!

 And on that note I must go!

Busy with my being happy!



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