Bach Flower Remedies can even help how you feel about the snow.

Bach Flower Remedies can even help how you feel about the snow.

Happy, Happy middle of November :-)
My Canadian sources tell me that their snow has arrived and I am finding the fact that I am sitting here in a T-shirt a little bit bizarre. It is way too warm for this time of year don't you think?
Aren't we supposed to be wearing our woolly jumpers by now?
Even the trees are confused-they still have way too many leaves on them, which is beautiful because of all the autumnal colours.
I love all these crisp bright days and hope that the winter is full of them. I know that not everyone shares my love of snow but I do enjoy trudging around in it. Last year was wonderful for me, from a snow point of view and I look forward to seeing the ground covered with it's white blanket.
Of interest to others, who may find themselves struggling when there is a large snowfall, there are many ways that the Bach Flower remedies can help emotionally.
Whilst they can't make the snow (or any other problem) disappear, they can help how you feel about it.
If you feel resentful and "poor me" about it then Willow will help you to stop blaming the weather for how you are feeling and to feel that it's inconvenience is less unfair on you.
If you lack the confidence to go out in it then Larch may just help you surprise yourself to give it a bash. You may even enjoy it.
If you are scared to go out in it, Mimulus will help you to have the courage to do so.
How about those of you who find it difficult to ask for help? Maybe you need some groceries or to get somewhere but you are unable to get out by yourself?
Agrimony is the remedy which helps you to worry less about being judged by others. It helps you to let others know how you are really feeling rather than them seeing the false smiley face that always tells them that you are "fine"
Pine is the remedy for those who would feel guilty for asking for anything for themselves. They feel undeserving of help and therefore would not ask for it.
Perhaps you had a bad experience in the snow?
Honeysuckle would help to stop reflecting back to the experience and Star of Bethlehem would help you to heal from and integrate the episode.
The Bach Flower remedies can be used for any and all negative emotions and because they are safe and easy to use, they are fantastic for everyday life at any time of the year. Not just in the snow.
As winter arrives, please remember how helpful these simple little energetic remedies are. Share the information on them with anyone who may be struggling with their emotions. From tiredness to over enthusiasm and fear to a need for control, the bach Flower remedies will help you to be calmer and happier in your everyday life.
Have a wonderful winter :-)

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