Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki and my gratitude for both.

Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki and my gratitude for both.

Happy Wednesday.
There really is some method in my madness and as my life continues to feel happier and happier, being "mad" in the eyes of others really is unimportant.
My Bach Flower remedies and Reiki seem to be the right mix for me and the fact that I am able to teach both these wonderful healing systems to others makes me continue to marvel at all of the good that can come from using them.
I taught Reiki 2 for the first time last weekend and the experience was fantastic. Granted, it was with one of my best friends and the banter was probably easier and more diverse than it may be on other Level 2s. But I still felt very lucky to be able to share my experience and knowledge with someone who I know will develop into a brilliant healer. I should probably publicly apologise for shoving her out the door to go see the second half of Andrews rugby game so. Sorry Ger but you did get to go home and have a lovely nap :-)
Healing has always been my lifes work and I am lucky to have had that clarity. Sometimes, though, I am unsure of which areas I should be focussing on.
I am practising gratitude at every opportunity and you might want to give it a try. Basically it involves saying thank-you for everything good in your life and not giving any notice/energy to the things that you would rather not be experiencing. Things as tiny as drinking a cup of tea to massive, like winning the lottery and everything in between.
By being grateful, we are encouraging the attraction of more to be grateful for. SIMPLE.
Even in the worst of conditions there is always something to be thankful for.
When my mum died, I was thankful for having been there, with her, when she passed. I was thankful for the time I spent with my brother and sister for a full week leading up to the funeral.
Today I find that I am thankful that I had my mother in my life and for all that I am because of her. I have a photograph of her in my front room which jumped off the shelf this week. Trying to push me forward? And as I sit here I am enjoying that impossible smell that I wrote about last week. My friend is also close and bringing her dynamic sense of encouragement.
I had my follow-up Bach consultation today and I was given such encouragement about my methods of teaching, whilst we were chatting that I am further convinced that I must be on the right path. Otherwise my soul would not be so evident to my students :-)
Bach Flower Remedies have helped to open up my heart and soul to all that I forgot I was and I have a great desire to help anyone who needs help, to be all that they can be.
Shine brightly my friends. Be someone who is glad for all the joys of others and attract that joy for yourself.
Sending much love out to everyone,

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