Bach Flower Remedy courses and new approaches!

Bach Flower Remedy courses and new approaches!

I almost forgot that today was Wednesday! It's been a very busy week and each day just seems to run into the next where I try to get the next thing with a deadline done! I need to have a new approach I think!!

I'm having a really good time with it all but I know that I could make my life much easier with a different method of working. Isn't it bizarre that you plod along doing the same old when you know that it is not the best way? My Bach Flower remedy bottle is empty so perhaps it's time to put a little Chestnut bud into it to try to learn from my mistakes? I know that I need to get some remedies made up because my good old Impatience is getting the better of me and I prefer a more laid back approach these days-it just makes life smoother.

One of the things that I'm not very good at is advertising what I'm offering and so I need to work on that. I've got  course supposedly beginnng on 26th Feb and I've done diddly squat about filling the places.

If you're reading this and thinking you'd like to learn a bit more about the Bach Flower Remedies then perhaps this intro' course would be for you? I'm just about to finish the present course that I'm running and it's been fantastic......for me, anyhow....and I hope the girls have also enoyed it! It's 2 evening hrs a week for 6 weeks and the groups usually gel well and are supportive of each other. I have another course  running on Friday Mornings from 27th March for 6 weeks and I hope that the time-slot will allow mothers of little people a chance to have some serious "me" time!! Groups are small 6-8 max and so people (including me) don't feel threatened and it's at my home and so it's informal and relaxed.

I really must make an effort to put an ad' somewhere visible on the website. Meanwhile-spread the word and fast!!!!!

Tomorrow is Jen's 15th Birthday and she's got a couple of friends sleeping over tonight We've chucked her siblings out and Bill's working. They're upstairs watching a movie and no doubt will be up long after I'm snoring. How does that happen?........the kids stay up later than me????? How did they get to be so grown up??????? The same question asked by countless generations of parents, eh!

Right-I'm off because I've got this really peaceful house all to myself-well, downstairs anyway and I should make the most of having control of the t.v remote.....................or hang up the towels that have just finished washing? Some things never change, even in a peaceful house I suppose!

Ta Ta for now and have a wonderful week and remember to spread the news about my courses!!



1 comment (Add your own)

1. Floral Course wrote:
I was smiling when I read your post because it is written so honestly. I hope your floral course on flower remedies was a hit!

Fri, September 18, 2009 @ 2:14 PM

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