Be your own best friend.

Be your own best friend.

I know that this is not Wednesday but I thought I'd tap out a few lines 'cause I missed Wednesday. I've had a great week and wanted to share yet again how important in my life my friends are. Us "moonies" (moonwalkers) are getting older like everyone else and two of the seven celebrated their half century of life in the last few weeks. We had a little impromptu gathering this week to say happy birthday to them. It involved a half glass of sparkly, a cup of coffee and a piece of cake each!! It was lovely. My house was a midden but friendship is about having the gang round whether your house is a mess or not. My friends are comfortable in my house, I think. They get told that it's self-service and that they can rummage for what they need. My cupboards are far from a delight to look inside but they are totally friendly and not worried about things being put on the wrong shelf.

I received an email forward from a friend called the "purple hat" which was written by a lady who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It mentions all the things she would have done differently if she had her life to live over. One of them is indeed that she would have had people over whether the carpet was stained or not.

I've received that same forward a few times and each time I'm hopeful that I will be able to tick another thing off on the list that I've managed to do. It's a reminder of the importance of the little things that we take for granted and of the things that we don't do because we're too material-minded or worried what people might think of us. The truth is as I think I've mentioned in a previous rambling, that other people are too busy worrying about the impression that they are giving to have any time or interest in what you're up to! And I don't mean that our friends are not interested in us. I simply mean that they are not looking at as and having lots of judgemental thoughts about how we look, speak, work or leave our houses in a mess!!

Friday had developed into saturday, sadly and I haven't written nearly as much as I'd like about friendship. Perhaps I shall continue the theme next time round or perhaps not!?

I'll close for now though by saying that we all need to be surrounding ourselves with people and places that raise our energy! Make sure that you are spending regular time with someone who makes you feel good about yourself. If a friend has not been in touch and you're feeling a bit sensitive about making contact-go for it! It's likely that they'll be delighted to hear from you and you'll discover that you have indeed been in their thoughts but they just haven't followed through with contacting you. We all find the time disappearing but should perhaps realise that we can fill it with happiness and that happiness and friendship are definately entwined.

As a final footnote, make sure to be your own best friend. Be the one person that you know that you can rely on and encourage yourself in everything that you do like you would your best friend.

Ta Ta and Night Night,


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