Been sick this week so posting newsletter instead of blog

Been sick this week so posting newsletter instead of blog

I have been putting off writing this newsletter because it meant that I actually had to plan for some courses. However, courses can be set for any dates and I really felt that I wanted to write out to everyone anyway.
The beauty of the way I work is that I can set up a course to suit whoever needs and wants it for pretty much whenever they want it. I know that I am in a fairly unique and lucky position, being able to do this and that it is a great gift to be able to offer people.
Have you ever wanted to learn something and just never find the timings suit? I have and that’s why I have probably been given this flexibility with organising my courses. So this newsletter will not contain my course dates, merely the information on what is I can offer, should you be interested.
I shall post dates on the website, in the near future-perhaps ones chosen by you?

Bach Level 1 is a certified course, allowing you to progress onto level 2 should you desire to do so. It is a wonderful course which gives you a basic understanding of all 38 Bach Flower Remedies and of their discoverer, Dr Edward Bach. This course can be run in lots of different formats, as long as the total teaching time is 12 hrs. I have done 4 x 3hr mornings, 6 x 2hr mornings/evenings and 2 x 7hr (including lunch/breaks) days. The possibilities are there for other variations and I am always open to discussing what suits your needs.
Personally, I love teaching over a few weeks because the groups evolve into a little community, as they use the remedies and share their feelings with each other. The atmosphere is supportive and fun and at the end of the course, you’ll know yourself much better and feel positive about the future.
I hold most courses in my “therapy” room as it has a lovely feel to it and seems to help students to feel relaxed and secure.
Numbers are limited to 6, unless it’s a different venue. So, if you have a group of friends who’d all like to learn together, I’m happy to consider venues and travelling-anything to spread the word.
I have hopes of going outside Edinburgh to teach Bach, as there’s not a lot of us teachers out there but those of you who know me know that I have great ideas but am not so good at the business side of things. Anyone who’d like to volunteer as my manager will be considered-tee hee.
Oh and finally, with regards to Bach, I will teach 1-1 or 2-1 and I have just done some teaching 1-1 via skype, which was fantastic. So, if you’re isolated in the middle of nowhere, with no transport or babysitter-don’t be stuck. We can organise something for everyone.

Reiki teaching is not something that I have done a huge amount of but it is something that I have loved doing. So far, I have only taught Reiki 1 but I am preparing to teach my first level 2.
I learned Reiki from a now, very dear friend, who advised me that it would help me with my emotional wellbeing. More than 4 years down the line, I continue to be surprised by the accuracy of that advice.
Reiki is with you for life and, if you allow yourself, it will help you to live your life as the person you were meant to be. It has a wisdom all of its own which helps you to connect with who you really are and to follow your souls path.
I teach Reiki from my home, also. I limit my class to 2 students and so you can come along and learn with a friend. Again, you suggest some dates to me and we can organise a course. If you don’t have someone who wants to keep you company, I’ll try my best to find a partner who you will feel comfortable learning Reiki with.
The courses are usually 6hrs of teaching/practice with an additional follow-up 2 hr session, 3 weeks later. I have taught over a full day and over 2 x 3hr mornings. This could be done over 2 or 3 evenings/mornings or longer. Unfortunately, I cannot teach all of the course long-distance but I could teach the theory via skype, if travelling was an issue.

Meditation and relaxation has been hugely popular and loved. It’s something that I was initially a bit unsure of offering but has been as beneficial to me as to those who have come along. It has helped me find a voice that was so very quiet before and I love the discovery, each session, as to where my voice will take us.
I have only done evening groups but would be very happy to run a daytime group. In fact, the idea of running a morning session for young mums has been in the front of my mind and I may approach some local venues to see if a bigger space is available for this purpose. I think that a session which includes meditation/relaxation and Bach Flower Remedy advice would be the very ticket for busy young mums.
So, yet again, if you have group of friends/colleagues who would be interested in having a bit of quiet time each week, please do get in touch and we’ll see if we can’t get something organised.

Now that the course stuff is out of the way-apart from to say that I am still planning to run a “self-discovery” group, using “The Invitation” poem/book-I’ll let you know a bit of what’s going on with me.
You’ll be needing a second cuppa, she says as she decides to go get herself another one.
This year has kind of disappeared so far, without my realising it. I find it hard to comprehend that it’s March and that I am, only now, putting out this news.
I haven’t done completely nothing, though.
I have organised with Edinburgh City Council that I will teach an introductory course on Bach Flower remedies at St Thomas of Aquins High school. It will be 7-9pm on Thursday evenings, for 5 weeks from April 28th. It isn’t certified but anyone who comes along will only have to complete a 2-3 hr session, with me, to validate the course and allow them to progress to level 2. So, if any of you know anyone who may fancy a wee night-school course, please spread the news.
I am in the process of hopefully organising to go into our High School to chat with the teachers and staff about Bach Flower Remedies and to perhaps do a course for them for CPD purposes. My hope is that I will go in every couple of weeks to make up remedies for those who’d like them-just like I continue to do for the nurses at Sick Kids.
I’ve mentioned my teaching on Skype-I didn’t say that it was with a wonderful lady in Bangalore, who had already done the distance Level 1, with the Bach Centre but who wanted to chat around all the course content, especially the remedies themselves. I have had an enquiry from one of her friends, who I consult with in New York, about teaching her via Skype.
Technology really is spreading the word about Bach and my children are being brilliant, setting up and running a Facebook page for me. This came about from having someone book a consultation after reading about me on a friends Facebook page. Please make my 12 year old daughter very happy and go check out and like my Bachflowerconsultsonline page. She is thrilled every time our number of likes goes up or when someone makes a nice comment. Thanks in advance. Also, I post a blog on my website on a Wednesday (unless I get side-tracked) Usually I try to incorporate a bit of Bach teaching in it and you may find something interesting there.
I continue to go into Allans chemist, in Portobello, on Tuesday mornings but have been hopeless at self-promotion down there. For those of you who are local, Allans stocks the whole range of Bach Flower Remedies as well as having many Complementary Therapists offering treatments from there. Accupuncture, Massage, Hypnotherapy, Chiropody and physiotherapy are amongst the treatments offered and of course, I offer Reiki and Bach. Please spread the word as it’s a lovely place to have a treatment.
On a more personal note, Andrew is still in Canada and I am, as always, thankful for the help of the remedies to help me to enjoy my life, despite him being away. We speak, via Skype, most days and have had some wonderfully long and philosophical conversations over the past 8 months. The plan is that we will meet up with him in July, in Florida and that he will return home with us. For those of you interested in a vacation villa in Florida check out and quote my website to get 10% discount.
I’ll be invigilating for the High School exams again, from April and I love being there to support the kids. I’m much more relaxed than when I first did the job. Initially I was terrified I’d do something wrong and cost the kids their marks but now I simply send Reiki to it all and cosmically order that all will be well. I am still convinced that I am supposed to be working with Teens and perhaps by my next newsletter there will be some action on that front.
My book on Mother and Daughter relationships remains unedited and needing to be reopened and completed. I still have a wonderful feeling around the content and Bill is still nudging me gently to complete the project. Any ideas on “how” will be gratefully received.
Well, I think that’s about it, for now, although I could type on and on and on.
I will try to update the website as soon as course dates become a reality-you may help that happen.
Sending much love out to all of you and hope that this finds you in a good place in your life. If not, have a look at the Bach Flower Remedies and let me know how I can help.

Linsey Denham
Registered Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner and Level 1 Trainer
Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher

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