Calm Kids and train the puppy that is your mind.

Calm Kids and train the puppy that is your mind.

Happy Wednesday,
I am having such a great week and I hope that you are in the same boat.
If not, why not? If you are wishing that you were also having a great week, think about what it is that is stopping you. What's getting the blame?
It's really helpful to think about the thoughts that come into your head and to try to simply observe them.
I read a great analogy for training a busy mind which went something like this.
Imagine that there is an owner with his new puppy dog in close proximity to a huge pile of leaves. The wind begins blowing the leaves all over the place and the puppy runs all over the place, trying to catch each and every leaf. The owner wants the puppy to be trained to simply sit and watch the leaves blowing around.
Now, think of yourself as the owner and your mind as the puppy. The leaves are all of your scattered thoughts and you spend all day every day (and perhaps nights too) chasing them round and round your mind. Would you like to sit back and simply observe them ?
If the answer is yes, then meditation is the answer (or, of course there is the Bach Flower Remedy, White Chestnut, which helps to switch off unwanted thoughts.)
Just a few minutes daily is all that it takes to be able to stand back, recognise the emotion that the thought has provoked, accept it and choose not to run with it.
I was on a course at the weekend (fantastic, called Calm Kids, run by Lorraine from Feel Good Therapies) and I was feeling a little bit 'loner-ish' but had sat next to a girl with gentle lovely energy on day 1, which made me feel less like bolting for the door. Well, on day 2, did those who were feeling confident not decide to mix up where they were sitting-EEK. But more than eek, I got flashes of intolerance, Judgement, anger, resentment and fear. All because I was going to have to sit somewhere different and beside someone different because either side of the gentle-energy lady were taken.
The great thing about the type of course that I was on is that people are encouraged to admit how they are feeling and I did. 'Rattled' I think, was the description I gave and I told them the reason why.
What is a small action to one person can seem enormous to another, as was demonstrated in regard to some people thinking it was a great idea to swap beanbags whilst I just wanted the security of the day before. After sharing how I felt, I was able to let the emotion attached to the situation go and enjoy my day.
The old me would have been unable to let go of blaming the girls who moved seats and therefore spoiling my day and that wasn't a good way to live.
Acceptance of my own insecurities last weekend, without beating myself or blaming someone else for them is definitely progress.
And on that note, I need to go to bed.
Speak to you all very soon,

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