'Depressed' is just a word to a Bach Practitioner.

'Depressed' is just a word to a Bach Practitioner.

When I work with clients and they tell me that they are depressed, it doesn't really help me to help them.
'Depressed' is just a word and I know that clients think that I will understand what they mean when they use it but when it comes to the Bach Flower remedies I need them to tell me more than just a generalised word.
Of course, I get that they are obviously feeling 'down' but when choosing the Bach Flower remedies  to help a client there are 38 different emotions that could be causing them to feel 'down' and that is where the commitment to self-healing begins for the client.
They have to start the process of working out which emotions are out of balance to choose the remedies which will return the balance and this can be a difficult and sometimes painful process.
As a Bach practitioner, I can guide clients towards certain remedies, if I get a sense that they are required but it is the client who has to do the real work. They have to identify which emotions are being felt too strongly or not strongly enough and that means facing them and feeling them.
It can take great bravery to look at how you are feeling.  Telling people that you are 'depressed' does  not necessarily require that you look at the root cause of that 'depression' therefore it can be difficult to make a long-term improvement to your mood.
The work of a Bach Practitioner is to gently encourage the client to look at the way they are feeling and to offer suggestions and descriptions of remedies which will help them to feel better. Once the remedy balances out the emotion, it's work is done and it doesn't need to be taken any longer. Of course, a client may be prone to falling out of balance in some emotions and a practitioner would advise that they simply try to be observent to the warning signs that were present before they became 'depressed' this last time.
Clients see a practitioner for varying lengths of times from a single consultation to several months of working through the layers of troubling emotions that may be present. I personally went to see my wonderful practitioner for nine months by which time I was keen to train to help others in the way that she had helped me.
By the time I trained to be a Level 1course-trainer, I had the notion that one day I would need no remedies because I would be in complete balance and yes, those days do happen but they are not prolongued...yet.
I somehow doubt that human emotions will ever allow me to stop reaching for my Bach bottles but I have not had to tell anyone that I am 'depressed' in a very, very long time and my negative emotions are short-lived.

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