Happy Christmas. How lucky I am.

Happy Christmas. How lucky I am.

Happy Christmas to one and all. The last thing I imagined doing on Christmas morning was tapping in a blog to my phone but, as I sit here on my own, waiting for someone else to appear, I am aware of how lucky I am to know that they will indeed appear.
It is a strange but peaceful place to find myself, after years of trying to smile through the tiredness of the kids ripping open their gifts. I am not a morning person and Christmas morning has always still been a morning.
This morning feels different. I got up at 7.15, checked to see if my boy was still around online (unusually, he was not) and then I went straight into 'Turkey-mode', getting it ready and into the oven by 8am (unheard of and hopefully it will not prove to be a quick cooker) I then sent some texts and had a shower, all before my morning coffee-EEK. Perhaps Santa has given me the gift of motivation?
Whatever it is, it feels wonderful and calm and I feel blessed and lucky.
Bach Remedies, Reiki and Angels have all played their part in my finding contentment, despite my parents both being gone and my son living thousands of miles away. I take the remedies when my emotions become tricky and out of balance. There may be some need for Honeysuckle this past week as I have teared up regularly from missing mum but it's not constant, rather more like little waves that crash into my heart sometimes. I am too proud of and happy for Andrew to feel any negative emotions. Yes, of course it would be lovely to have him here with us today but he has a new home, with a christmas tree and a flatmate to share it all with, in their own way.
Reiki is part of my life and I use it all day every day alongside gratitude. They help me be positive and to attract more of what I love into my life-a great help to happiness.
Angels and I are one and the same and I know that if I live my life, helping others like an angel, then the rewards are enormous. I ask for angelic help for all things big and small for myself and for others and I know that they stay close to whisper encouragement if I am in danger of losing my positive outlook.
Some people would just call me bonkers for my beliefs but I just call me happy.
As this Christmas day gets underway, I am sending out much love to the world and to those who do not feel as lucky or happy as I.
If this feels like you, try to focus on a tiny thing that you are grateful for, ignoring all that you'd like to change. Let the feeling of gratitude fill you up and ask the angels to give you more to be grateful for.
Have a peaceful happy day, world.
Much Love,


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