I've been doing some reading this past week and I have some pretty inspirational stuff lying around. I also got some Angel cards which I find fascinating and must explore in greater depth.
Amazon is such a great site but I really have to limit the times that I log on because it is just too easy to purchase a whole bunch of wonderful things! One book leads to another which links to another and so on.......
I heard fairly recently about how we are all connected to each other by something as simple as knowing a few people who know a few people who know a few people and so on. It is indeed a very small world and I was chatting gaily about life, whilst walking the miles on Sunday (12 miles-not too badly done) and realised that one of my walking buddies might just know my best friend from High school because she made a comment about going to teenage discos in a church we passed by. It turned out that they were indeed good friends at primary school. Small world indeed!
The walking is going well, you'll be glad to know. I'm struggling a bit this week to fit in any walks between Sundays but hopefully I'll sneak in at least one. The chatting that gets done on these walks is great and because there is usually 5 or 6 of us on a Sunday, we can have lots of different conversations or the same conversation several times. The latter is great if there's been something that's bothering you because you get to vent it over and over again!!
I certainly would recommend a walking group or any kind of group that involves a bunch of people joining in an activity where they have the opportunity to chat. I have become known as the "Hill phoebic" as I detest walking up hills. They have dragged me up Arthur Seat the last 2 weeks and they have decided to make me walk around and up it twice this Sunday!!! With friends like them, who needs any enemies, eh? On reflection, the second week was much easier than the first and I actually had the warped idea of going up the thing myself this week but life got in the way-shame!!!!!
I've asked them all to think about what emotion is going on with me that I have this resistance to the whole training-thing. We have been hugely lucky with the weather and yet I still find getting out of bed a chore. We began walking at 7.30 last week and we're looking at 6am for our 20 mile walk. I'm already confessing to trying to think up suitable ailments to back out of the whole thing!!
It's an ideal, fantastic chance to get myself into shape don't you think? So why I am resisting the opportunity? Answers via email please as I haven't set up a way for you to feedback yet!
It's getting late now and I need to put Ali upstairs.I still need a few extra hours in the day for everything.
My speed is not as fast as it used to be and my impatience has increased perhaps because of this fact.
I can remember doing a lot more in a day than I presently do and I wonder whether this is a good or a bad fact? I suppose it's just a fact and one that I choose because I am the one who wants to have quiet time for myself each day-something that I never did before.
I love quiet cups of reflective coffee. And that's coffee that I spend time reflecting whilst drinking and not stuff that has a mirror shine on the top of it!
Well, must go. Teaching an introductory Bach Flower Remedy course this Saturday-wish me luck as I smile at the video camera 'cause I need to send a video of myself teaching, to the Bach Centre, to hopefully complete my Level 1 teachers course.
Till next week, have a lovely cup of reflective coffee (or tea, if you prefer) each day and see how much less you can do in your 24hrs. Like me, you may decide that it's worth it!!
Posted on Wed, May 6, 2009
by Linsey Denham