Help because you want to not because you think that you should.

Help because you want to not because you think that you should.

Happy Wednesday :-)

The weather outside is not very nice but when you look at what Australia is still being hammered with, I'm not complaining. I'm merely commenting on the damp wind that somehow, despite the 10 degrees temperature, seems to make the house colder than any of the sub zero temperatures we had at the end of last year did. But the weather is a bit like our emotions and can seem like a big problem, if we think of it that way. I think that I've mentioned before that the phrase "there's no such thing as bad weather, merely inadequate clothing" can apply to most of our Edinburgh weather. We are incredibly lucky to not have the extremes that other parts of this country, never mind the world, has.

Irrespective of the weather, it's been a great day. Nothing major is going on but there really doesn't need to be to be happy and grateful. I did have a mad moment earlier, when my switch was flipped, allowing my anger to become visible but I quickly grabbed the bottle with Holly in it and was soon able to converse with the cause of my anger, without wanting to throttle him. Poor Bill, he knew, I'm sure, that I was not a happy camper but, as usual, he'll have had no clue what me problem was. I was simply in mind-reading mode and that is never a good place to be. Holly can get those suspicions and imaginings out of your head and let you see the situation for what it really is-in my case, we were having different dinners and he was not thinking that I was a bad person for making such a thing happen.

I don't do well with anger. I tend to want to run away from it rather than let it show. The most used method I have is to grab a glass of wine to help me stuff it down but this is only short-lived and leaves the anger unresolved. Holly is a much better method for acceptance and balancing of anger. You can put it in your wine, if you like and need to but it will do it's job taken in a glass of water or a cup of tea or straight on your tongue. Love is the flip side of hate and that is what Holly is trying to help us to do-love.

I was teaching level 1 Reiki at the weekend and I had such a lovely time. I'm shy and worry sometimes that I'll not do a good enough job but I am getting better at not puting too high a bar, to jump, in front of myself. I pat myself on the back and say well done, when I know I've done a good job and I know that it's not egotistical of me to do so.

I love to help people-it's who I am and who I always will be. The difference now, is that I help because I want to and not because I think that I should. I don't beat myself up for not attempting to "fix" someone who hasn't asked me for help and when I help someone without being asked to, I know that I can expect nothing in return for doing so. I try to keep my attention on the fact that I have a choice and that when I make that choice, it should be the right one for me and I should take responsibility for it. There is no such thing as a wrong choice-just adventure :-)

Anyway, this is a very short blog-mainly because I began it this morning and forgot that I hadn't finished it. Keep that knowledge to yourself, though because one of my friends (who's not online) forgot to come for some Reiki this morning and I'll give her a hard time about it when I see her (with humour, of course)

Memory is a funny thing-sometimes I have crystal clear thought and at other times I'm sure that my brain must just go into "power-save" mode and absorb nothing.

On that note I'll say goodnight and I'll hopefully catch you next week.

Have a great one and remember to SMILE for your minute a day. (I forget to do it some days-tee hee)


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