Larch for my confidence-lightbulb moment indeed

Larch for my confidence-lightbulb moment indeed

Happy June :-)

Summer is around the corner (honest) and for those of you who are scared that Edinburgh has already had it's good weather quota for 2012, don't waste your time. Weather is just that-weather. It's an external element which is outwith our control and we must try to be happy despite what is happening on the barometer.
I agree that the sunshine is wonderful and I love to wake up with a blue sky above me but I am striving to not let my happiness depend on anyone or anything.
Bet you thought I had abandoned my daily meditations ? (And my blog, for that matter) Nope, in fact my own practice has led me to be leading others in a weekly hour of 'how to meditate' based on a couple of books I have found helpful and my own experiences.
I feel like I am exactly where I am meant to be and my mood (most of the time) is positive and (dare I say) Happy.
I credit this to my continued use of the Bach Flower remedies, Reiki and of course, my newly found mindfulness (acquired through the help of meditation)
The Bach remedy Larch has been a huge helper this last few weeks. I had never recognised my need for this remedy, which is for lacking confidence but I now clearly see that I did. I had regularly used Mimulus, which is for being scared but am now able to understand that there was a big 'I can't' going on inside me and Larch seems to have strengthened my nerves immensely.
Isn't it weird how a lightbulb can suddenly go on and this one did, through my practice of daily meditation and also through writing down daily affirmations. Why would I be affirming 'I am confident' 20 times daily if I already was ?
Mmmmmmm? Lightbulb moments indeed :-)
My visit to Canada is just around the corner and I am soooo looking forward to a big bear-hug from Andrew. We will get to spend 4 full days with him, when we arrive, on a mini-road trip to Boston. The mileage isn't mini but the time is and it will be worth it for the boys to get into Fenway Park to see the Red Sox. Actually, I am looking forward to that myself although I may not admit it to the menfolk.
Jennifer won't be coming home with us as she is off to try out Saskatchewan for a year (to begin with) where she will be working for my friend Lynns niece. Amy has 2 little ones that Jen is going to help look after and, when I look at Amys 3 yr old little girl, I am transported back to the Christmas of 1983 when Amy looked exactly like her-scary. Lynn and I have been 'penfriends' for almost 40 years-eek and she is probably the person in this world that knows me best. How easy it always was to pour out my heart to her, on paper and pop it in the post box. She never judges me and I cherish our friendship like a treasured possession. I have known for a very long time that our friendship was not just for us but for our children and perhaps their children. Canada has always been in my soul and with 2 of my 3 children about to be settled there, I can hear the not-so-distant call for me to move back there.
Meantime, I have my wonderful life here and I have lots to do before I go off on my travels. Chicory is the remedy to help let your loved ones go and I must not be needing this yet because I feel good about Jen going and I don't sit around waiting for Andrew to skype me. If anyone reading this has expectations from a loved one, you can read the blog I did when Andrew left in 2010, which talks about how great Chicory is to help you be happy for your kids as they fly out into the big old world and go after their own dreams.
My challenge, after this holiday, will be to keep Alison from missing her siblings. Jen is her gauge on fashion and behaviour and they spend a lot of time together doing all sorts of things which will be stopped this summer. No doubt I will blog on this challenge and I hope that my remedies will help us all to adapt to the changes ahead.




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