Trudging through the snow and loving it

Trudging through the snow and loving it

I sat down to write this when Bill went to work at 6pm. How did it get to be 9.20????? Time is a very strange idea. It never seems to go at the same rate-never a constant and yet it is definately a constant.

My 3+hours began to disappear when Andrew came online, just as I logged in to write this. I love to chat with him, as does the rest of the household and so Jen took her turn chatting with him, after my initial chit-chat. They like to do the video-calling and I could hear the voices, though not the words, from the next room as I watched the weather-girl give the forecast of more snow for tonight. Not such good news for the main population of Scotland in general, although some lucky people (like me) haven't really been affected by it and are actually enjoying trudging through it. A knock on the wall and Andrews call of "muuuuum" summoned me to the front room to find that Andrew was no longer able to see us, despite the fact that we could still see him. The time continued to disappear as we all tried to find out how to enable Andrew to view our beautiful faces again. No luck was had and we eventually had to say goodbye to him, without him seeing us give our usual waves and smiles. I suppose he might have felt that was lucky? Na, he loves seeing us-honest.

The last hour, I've spent sending emails and I really need to do a clearout of my inbox. Now that I have the Blackberry, I often reply to things on it and I also delete junk mail as it comes through. This has caused some confusion to my mailing system though, as unless I remember to copy myself in to the replies, I don't have a copy of it on the main computer. I need to sit down, in the brand new 2011 and get myself organised.

Mmmm, that sounds familiar. Did I write that last year or am I just having Deja vu from another lifetime?

Back to the snow and trudging around in the wonderful white stuff. I have the most fantastic hiking boots that keep my feet cosy and firmly connected to the pavement. I've mentioned before about helping Ali with her paper round on a Sunday morning and the past 2 Sundays have been very snowy and cold. We've done a great job, her and I, in delivering papers to people who may not have got out to get them on their own. This past Sunday, the shop was short of someone to do one of the rounds and asked if we'd do a second one. Ali was cold and her welly boots were a bit slidy on the ice, so I said that I'd do it, despite knowing the area was just one big hill after another.

I enjoy a challenge and this was a big one-no wonder they didn't have anyone for the route. For anyone local to me, the Lady Nairnes, Ulsters and Abercorns are just one massive climb with a beautiful view of the Forth River as the reward for living there. Sunday papers are heavy at the best of times but they seemed a might heavier as I walked the 15 minutes to even get started delivering them to the 13 houses on my list. Some of them had 2 or 3 papers to get-ugh. However, with a smile on my face, I plodded around and up and down and was rewarded by some grateful smiles. By the time I got home, I'd been out 3 hours. My clothes all had to go in the wash as they were wet enough to think that I had been swimming in them. Great exercise and my body has been only a little bit rebelious, since. I have discovered muscles hurting, in places that I didn't remember there were muscles. The shovelling of snow has also been a workout, causing my forearms to ache and my back to feel like snapping. But, again, as I type, I'm sitting upright and I haven't had to reach for the Brufen :)

On that note and due to the fact that it's now Thursday, ('cause distractions just kept appearing) I'll say bye bye and be safe,


1 comment (Add your own)

1. Andrew wrote:
Of course I wanted to see you!

Sat, December 11, 2010 @ 8:47 AM

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