Use Walnut to help you cope with change.

Use Walnut to help you cope with change.

I was leading our Tuesday meditation group last night and I was compelled to try to help the others with adapting to the challenges of change.
Change is pretty much the only constant, in that everything is constantly moving forward for us. There is no 2 seconds which are the same as each other. No 2 breaths which are identical. From the minute we are conceived to the minute we depart from this lifetime, our body is in a constant state of change and our lives are surrounded by change.
The visualisation of a Walnut tree was present, in last nights meditation and I wanted to send that vision, with its energy, out into the world this morning.
Walnut is the Bach Flower remedy which helps a person adapt to change. It helps protect you from the influences of stronger personalities and to break old ties to move forward.
It is the remedy which I would put in the worlds water supply, so that we would all be walking our own paths without interference from others and without us interfering with them. There would be peace in the world as we all sailed towards our own ports en route to the ultimate same destination.
Walnut can also help when our body is changing and giving us trouble. Whether it's adolescence or menopause, old age or having lost a limb, this wonderful Walnut energy can help us adapt and move more easily forward.
My kids have had Walnut in their remedy mixes since they were in single figures and I am sure that it is why they are as strongly individual as they are. They may not know what they want to ultimately do with their lives but they are sure that they don't want to do something just because people tell them to. It's a nice gift to have given them.
Anyway, unplanned blogs always eat into the planned stuff so I better run.
Have a wonderful day and, if you're struggling with any kind of change, give Walnut a try.


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