Water Violet.......time to connect.

Water Violet.......time to connect.

Happy July folks. I know that we are already heading towards August but I'm pretty sure that I haven't written anything this month. I've been on vacation and am still feeling like I'm on holiday. The sun has been shining, baking us, since we got back but I refuse to complain. It's been so much easier to return from holiday, with the sunshine and I also have my 13 year old niece, staying with us for the next 3 weeks which is keeping us in holiday-mode. My girls are delighted that their cousin is here and I have little input into their activities. They organise and feed themselves and seem to be having a blast, which is fantastic to see.

I'm not even sure that I've got anything to say on this blog. I opened the laptop and knew that I had to log in but that's as much as I know.

Life is great. I continue to be open to what's coming next whilst enjoying all that I have at the moment. My need for self-improvement seems to have gone and I am now accepting of all that I am and hope to continue my progress towards being 'more of me'.

I read, recently, that if you're continually wanting to improve yourself then you're not really accepting how wonderful you already are. Thinking in terms of 'being more' of who you are is better because it shows acceptance and openness to being all that you are.

Remedy-wise, I am taking Water Violet as a single. Water Violet is for people who appear proud and aloof and who feel disconnected from or better than others. I've always found it a difficult remedy to describe whilst being convinced that at my core, this may be my type remedy. I have spent so much of my life burying who I truly am that I have taken a very long time to work through all of the many layers of pretence, with the Bach remedies.

I think that my work may be almost done and I am curious to see how the Water Violet experiment will go. I know that I do often feel that I am somehow different to other people and I am hopeful that this feeling will disappear. I am aware that my perception of being different is just that.........my perception.

Watch this space. Hopefully I will begin to write with a bit more regularity and there will be insights to pass on.

Keeping this one short s it's now dinner-time and I know that if I don't post this now, it'll get missed.

Sending much love out to all. I am still meditating and affirming daily and will write about that next time....if I remember. Lxxx

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