Week 2 or Day 8 and I'm doing good.

Week 2 or Day 8 and I'm doing good.

Day 8. Week 1 down and week 2 underway.
Having read the required reading and instructions for this coming week, I am a step ahead of where I might have been.
I am supposed to add in affirmations twice a day and use visualisations twice a day. Well, I already use affirmations but have decided to write them 20 times morning and night whilst saying them. 21 days of the same ones seems to be recommended which I find interesting because that's the length of self-healing done with each Reiki attunement.
The visualisations of receiving positive results is also something which I have been working on for a while and which definitely lifts my mood. Watching my self-talk has also been in action for a relatively long time.
So, with my instructions in mind, I look forward to this week and the insights it may bring. I didn't get up till 7.15 'cause the girls are on mid-term, which was nice however I had a rude awakening from a horribly loud song on the alarm, which would not switch off. But instead of cursing the thing (which would have been the usual par for the course) as I fumbled to quieten it, I grinned at the thought of it being some kind of a test and I simply turned the volume down to 0. I just hope that I remember to turn it up for tomorrow :-)
What else ?
I am off to Glasgow tomorrow to see Paul Carrack and we are staying over-what a treat for Valentines Day. It wasn't planned as a romantic gesture-it just evolved when we saw the date of the concert.
How will I fit in my meditations ? Mmmm........
Will let you know if I manage but where there is a William there is a way-tee hee.
Sending a huge big hug out into the world to help support you through the coming week.
Enjoy yourself,


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