Agrimony-Day 16-oops, missed a few.

Agrimony-Day 16-oops, missed a few.

Happy Thursday and I hope that all of you are seeing sunshine outside and feeling sunny inside, despite what may be going on around you. (I did start this yesterday but, as often, life got in the way of finishing it.)

I'm still glugging the Agrimony and am genuinely surprised by how happy I'm feeling. Is it possible that I was guided to begin this experiment because the only remedy I need, to be happy, is Agrimony? That is the current feeling that I have about my strange notion to do this experiment. At first, I thought that I was being guided to write down my emotional journey through the whole 38 remedies and script them into some kind of book. Now I'm not so sure and, you know what, that's okay.

I'm trying to greet my life with as much acceptance and curiosity as I can, without getting my proverbial knickers-in-a-knot when something doesn't quite go according to what I thought was the plan. I'm learning that sometimes what you get is even better than the plan and I think that I can use my Bach experiment as an example.

I thought that I was being guided to use the Bach remedies one at a time, A-W and to write a book on the experience. But.........

..........What I think I'm actually getting is a hugely deeper insight into who I am as a person, by using Agrimony alone, instead of several remedies at once. Perhaps I'm only meant to use this one remedy and was given this information in a slightly roundabout way so that I would embrace it because of my love of writing?

Now, I'm not saying that I am definitely not going to move on to Aspen in the next wee while but I am open to the idea that I am perhaps simply meant to discover that I am an Agrimony "type" instead of the Mimulus that I thought I was. And, again, that feels okay. I don't feel any sense of "misdiagnosis" of my type and I am reminded that, when I first learned about Bach "types" I felt split between Agrimony and Water Violet. The Water Violet traits that I identified with, back then, were those of feeling unable to put myself forward into a crowd and of keeping how I felt to myself. As I learn more with Agrimony, I can see that my difficulty in putting myself forward came from an inability to risk being truly seen for who I was and not from my pride. Those days that I looked at no-one and probably seemed aloof were because I was too tired to pretend that I was a happy smiley person or to try to make others feel better. But in not doing that, (my usual act) people may have been able to see the real me, with my real feelings and I didn't want anyone to dislike or judge me or think that I wasn't coping.

How many of you, reading this just now, identify with what I have just written? At the moment, I am being shown all of these traits in myself because the time is right to see them. I am being shown how much I still need to learn about myself, through the remedies.

Although I profess to not care about what people say about me-do I?

Although I think that I tell people real things about me-do I?

Do I still tell "white lies" to avoid conflict?

I am attracting clients who need for me to share myself with them, without fear of judgement or being disliked by them.

Drop-in, last night, saw Agrimony go into everyones bottles because of the recognition of their dislike of conflict and their need to keep everyone else happy, despite it meaning doing things that denied what they wanted. Anything to keep the peace is a negative Agrimonys mantra, me thinks.

I shall continue to observe what's going on with me, over the coming days and will post it here and on Bachflowerconsultsonlines facebook page, when I can. There is a part of me that's delighted with my fairly recent ability to not force myself to do things that I've said I'll do and, as I type, I realise that I am now risking being judged by others by embracing this new way of being.

Life is great and I feel great-yippee.

Have a wonderful Easter, everyone,

Much love to all,

Lxx         Oh, if anyone is interested in learning Bach, please check out the Edinburgh Councils website and also Leith Academys to see if times suit. I suspect that the St Thomas' won't go ahead as the numbers are low but it would be great to have a group at Leith Academy in May. X

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