Bach Flower Remedies to heal a bereaved heart.....short version.

Bach Flower Remedies to heal a bereaved heart.....short version.

I read a really well-written article called '9 things I learned from my mothers death' (or something similar) and I wanted to briefly share a bit about my reaction to it because I felt it was apt not only for those who have lost their mother but for those who have lost anyone close to them, through death.
As I read it, I thought of lots of friends who struggle some days to remember to keep moving forward. Sending lots of love to any of you who may be struggling with loss today, whether the loss was very recent or in the distant past........time doesn't stop the emotional tsunami from occurring, it merely lessens the duration and frequency of them.
Bach Flower Remedies help with the healing that is necessary after suffering a bereavement. Star of Bethlehem (the soother of sorrows); Honeysuckle (for letting go of the past); Pine (for guilt); Walnut (for change) and Holly (for anger) plus many other remedies, specific to the individuals response to bereavement, help a person  navigate their way through the pain of healing.
The difference in my own grieving process between losing my dad (pre Bach) and losing my mum (post Bach) are poles apart and whilst I woke up every New years day for more than 20 years, knowing that dad a had died on that date, I struggled to work out the exact date of mums death within 3 short years. Whilst I know that dad dying on New years day made it an easy date to remember, the first New year that I didn't think about his death was startling. It was January 3rd, this year and Bill and I were staying at a lovely hotel (pre-his birthday) and I was relaxed, reading a book when it gently dawned on me that New years day had come and gone and not once, till that moment, had dad crossed my mind. I smiled and made a note to self 'Heart is healed'


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