Bach Flower Remedy 'Agony Aunt'-my dream job combining writing and healing.

Bach Flower Remedy 'Agony Aunt'-my dream job combining writing and healing.

I've been investigating 'writing for magazines' and it is a curious thing to be doing because, as a child, all I wanted to do was write stories. I won prizes for writing, several times whilst in primary school and then.........came the hormones and the need to fit in ...........and my creativity shifted into letter-writing to my Canadian penpal and then into poems and pantomimes with songs.

Throughout my nursing career, it took the form of knitting and now it's like I have come full circle and want to re-embrace my writing of stories. 
Perhaps, more importantly, I want to write to 'heal'.

I have healed myself with Reiki, meditation and of course my Bach Flower Remedies and I can now pass my knowledge of this healing on to others through writing about my own experiences-thus the increase in Blog posts in here.

I know that my online consultations have been a part of the rediscovery of my love of writing. With gentle, kind and caring words, I can help a person to identify and acknowledge their emotions and help them to choose Bach Flower remedies which will help them to heal and move forward in their lives.

My desire to write a kind of 'Bach Agony Aunt column' just keeps presenting itself through my meditations and I do believe that it would be my dream job, combining writing with healing. For now though, I'm simply answering one Bach Flower Remedy question each Monday, on my Facebook page (check it out)

I believe that if a person is doing something that they love, in service of others, then that is their lifes purpose. I love everything about my writing about how Bach Flower Remedies help people and so I think that my lifes purpose just may be becoming clearer.

That said, I am taking Scleranthus and Cerato, to try to help me to attract that certain decision about my future 'direction' because I am also loving working with a lovely, elderly gentleman who suffers from Alzheimers and I have my Reiki and meditation experience just sitting on the sidelines, patiently waiting for people to heal.

Mmm? Perhaps a few more days of meditation and remedies and it'll all click into place.....a wee bit of everything perhaps, like in Edinburgh?

We shall see :-)

Love to all and any advice will be gladly received whilst my own instincts will be trusted in my final decisions.


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