Be nice to the one you love and remedies for teens

Be nice to the one you love and remedies for teens

Sitting here looking at number 36 on my Louise Hay's 101 ways to happiness desktop affirmations, I reflect on Valentines days gone by and the one approaching us this weekend.

"Remember to honor (it's obiously American) your partner throughout the day. Know that his/her love is a precious gift"

Seems a much better idea than having to give some token of your love on a day that is probably only good for the card and chocolate (and jewellery, if you're lucky) marketers!!

Romance is lovely-don't get me wrong. I love the romantic movies and stories as much as anyone...more, even! But I am now wise enough to know that it really is unimportant to have Bill need to give me something on Valentines day to prove that he loves me. I appeciate all of the wonderful little things that he does for me each day. The menial stuff that he saves me doing because he likes me to be happy. I really need to do more for him, I think.

We're very lucky that we get to spend loads of time together because of the way we work-or in my case "don't work". We sit down most days and look at real estate in Toronto that is emailed to us from a company over there. We keep our dream of going back to live there alive and we drink our cuppa and OOH and AAH at the properties we are looking at. I do Reiki with him regularly (that almost sounds rude!) which is a wonderful way of sharing time.

Some of you will be thinking that this is all a bit sickly sweet but it's not meant to be. I just wanted to air my view on Vaentines day and for you no to get all uptight about getting something for or from the one you love. Do little things for them daily and accept and thank them for the little things they do to make your life easier. If they're not doing stuff for you-look at whether you are actually doing anything for them?? Sometimes we get caught up in the poor-me trap and it can take you stepping back (and taking some Willow from the Bach Flower remedies) to recognise that you're waiting on them doing the giving before you will and therefore there is no giving going on!! If this is the case in your home-make the first move. Do something nice for the one you love and be prepared to be surprised that you may just receive something nice back in return.

For those of you who don't have anyone special to do things for, right now-do something really nice for yourself because you are the most special person to you as we all should be to ourselves. Remember that list and make sure that your up at the top of it to do things for.

On a totally different note, I'm doing a wee stint at a High school tomorrow night to promote Dr Bach's Flower remedies to parents and students. I'm really excited about it because of all the differences I see in my own 3 kids with using the remedies. From exam stress to hormones and from lack of confidence to repeating the same mistakes, the remedies make our home a much calmer place, I think, than it would be without the help of the remedies.

I'd go into the whole range of remedies which help, if my eyes were not half shut and my bed was not calling my name LOUDLY! Perhaps I'll let you know how it goes in next weeks blog and mention some of the remedies incase any of you are in the throws of "teendom"

Meanwhile, I'm off to bed. Still hoping for some more snow after the snowballing with my hubbie at 11.30pm in my dressing gown and snowman building at 7am with my kids this week.

Have a happy week,


p.s If there's loads of mistakes I apologise-too tired to proof read!

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