clutter clearing

clutter clearing

And I'm still at it-the clutter clearing. The kitchen is nearly done, as is the front room. One may rightly ask why I haven't finished the one off before starting the other? because I can be in the midst of what's going on in the house, if I'm in the kitchen and so I clean cupboards there if I am going to be needed in any way, shape or form. I use that phrase a lot, I realise.

I cleaned my kitchen wooden blinds a couple of days ago and boy, have you ever cleaned a 6ft horizontal-slatted, kitchen blind that has not been touched since it was bought several years ago? What a rush of achievement and I'm more keen that you know how good it feels once you've done it, than being bothered by your judgement of my housecleaning (or lack of it)

And just how do the insides of "clean" cupboards become so black? It really is a mystery to me but there are only 3 potentially black cupboards left to clean-yippee. Unfortunately, one of them is the tupperware cupboard and it doesn't seem to matter how many times I clear that cupboard, it always seems to multiply

This time I am going to be ruthless. Plastic beware.

My front room (office/treatment room) got one of its walls papered yesterday-is that how you spell it "papered"? is there such a word, even?

Anyways, I've now got a lovely wall of poppies that my hubbie lovingly did for me. I really appreciate it 'cause he is not Mr DIY-detests it. He'd rather work an extra shift than do any, usually. So perhaps my clutter clearing is affecting him as well?

This morning I had the lovely experience of learning Indian Head massage, with my 12 yr old daughter. She's been nagging my friend Lorraine ( ever since she won a voucher that Lorraine had donated to Pink Night, to teach her IHM. So, this morning, Lorraine came along and (in her usual wonderful teacher-mode) taught us the basics. I can only advise you to sign up, either to have this done or to learn how to do it. I have had problems staying awake since Ali practiced on me all morning-very relaxing. And from someone who doesn't particularly like to be touched (a big X to a massage) that's saying something.

The other thing that I would recommend is that, if you are a mum, learn something like this with your daughter or son, even. I learned Reiki 1 with my elder daughter when she was around Ali's age. Learning to heal yourself and others, in the presence of your children, lets them know that it is not only okay to look after yourself, it's the right thing to do.

The connections made from healing your child or having them heal you are just too wonderful for me to try to explain. There is already an enless love-supply between you and it makes the healing all the more powerful and wonderful. At least I didn't blubber this morning as I did when I did my Reiki with Jen, although I was very aware that I could have become emotional that my baby was actually working "magic" on me.

She's desparate to practice and so her dad and I might be getting shots each-yippee.

What else?

The importance of friendship and the many different ways to be a good friend. It's back to some of what I said a couple of weeks ago about doing things because you want to-not because you think you should. I'm now coming to the realisation that if I am stepping back from something or someone, then it's because my presence in the situation would change the experience as it's meant to be. So, rather than feeling the guilt as in days gone by, I can actually feel proud that I have allowed someone to experience what they were supposed to, without my sticking my nose in where it was nor meant to go. I think that the indicator is the "want" or "should" element. The want is coming from my heart whilst the "should" is coming from my ego.

Not sure if that will make any sense in the morning, if I come back to read this.

As often, I find that my brain is entering sleep-mode and I shall close this before the ramblings begin (or have I passed that point already?)

I wish all of you a peaceful and very happy week. One in which you do things that you want to and not that you should.



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