Day 17 and I should really mention some remedy-related stuff.

Day 17 and I should really mention some remedy-related stuff.

Day 17 and I am thinking that I should also be writing about my emotions and what remedies I am using whilst I am doing this meditation programme. After all, my passion is Bach and I do use them constantly.
Using them constantly doesn't make me a basket-case, honest. I simply recognise where I'm at emotionally and take what's required to help me live my life as happily as possible.
I still, even after 10 years have some layers to peel away and just when I think that I am all done, something pops up to say "I still need healed "
My forties have been a journey back to who I really am and I am looking forward to living my life as that person throughout my fifties. Not long now-the big 50 looms on the very close horizon and my hubbie doesn't let many days pass when he doesn't rub in that he's still got a couple of years more in his forties. I don't think that I am pretending when I say that I really don't have any negative feelings about hitting my mid-century. I am pretty certain that I have another half to enjoy, a half where I care less about what others think of me and more about what I want.
As I watch my 3 teens grow into their young adulthood I have no wish to go back there (except for the wonderful toned shape they all are-my droopy bits, I'd gladly swap)
The Bach remedies have been a wonderful means to help us all get through their teenage years. Although I can't swear that it wouldn't have been exactly the same without the remedies, I know that we have used them to help with lots of the normal teenage emotional turmoil, to great effect.
And as parents, Bill and I have also benefited from using the Bach remedies. We have been able to be more patient, understanding, less angry/hurt/resentful, less controlling and I personally will be eternally grateful for Chicory which has helped me not to be clingy with them and to let them lead their lives the way they want to. I know that I would never have been able to understand that their choosing to spend all their time with their friends was not a reflection on how much they loved me-chicory allows me to feel that it's just normal and I don't personalise their actions.
And on that note I am off to do my evening meditation. It's getting late and a little bit of me wants to say "forget it" but I won't.
Life is great and getting greater. Nothing big or specific, it just feels that way :-)
Sleep well world,

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