Day 22 and I am more flexible (mentally) and accepting of myself.
Happy Tuesday.
Sitting inside the car, parked on a double yellow at the back of John Lewis, waiting for Bill. It's at times like this that I really appreciate being able to email from my phone. There are many downsides to having a mobile but this makes up for some of them.
It greets me with a blinking red light when I go downstairs each morning and sometimes, like this morning at 6.30, I just get stuck into replying.
My meditation had to wait till after the girls went to school but today was a "nothing to do but banking" day and so I knew that I would definitely get to the meditation.
I am much less bothered than I used to be when my routine is disrupted. Flexibility was not a strong point but now I find that it's interesting to mix it up a wee bit. Sometimes I even find that I there is a better way to do things.
I am a wee bit grumpy today. Not constantly but there is certainly a lack of tolerance and irritability going on. The people in the bank took too long, the driver in front was too slow etc. Good job that I have got a new Bach remedy mix made up which has impatiens in it :-) There might be a need for some Beech (for being a B**ch) going on as well, so I will have to watch that.
I am watching my self-talk regularly and it is great to catch myself thinking the things I am thinking. I do still give myself a bit of a hard time if I have had been negative towards someone and I am trying hard to unlearn that habit. Just being aware of it is so fab tho' 'cause it's impossible to fix something that you are unaware of, isn't it.
Anyway, I continue to be really positive about doing all the daily stuff I am doing, which makes it all easy to keep going with.
My head has been a bit fuzzy today due to my celebrating the Oscars with a bottle of wine. I think that I have already touched on the fact that I used to think that I didn't have too much of an effect from a bottle of wine but I am now very aware that I most clearly do. Perhaps my meditations are somehow bringing to my conscious mind exactly how that effect feels ?
I am realising, with increasing frequency, that acceptance of everything I think and do is more important than changing it. Once I accept it, it will change by itself if it's meant to.
On that note, I am going to drink the coffee that I forgot I had picked up on the way over here. Bill's at his accountants and shouldn't be too much longer. Got my books last few pages to read so may manage to get that done.
Sending out much love to all,
Posted on Tue, February 28, 2012
by Linsey Denham