Day 9 of Agrimony
Day 9-yesterday began with a couple of laps around the park with Jen. It's a lovely way to start the day. It ended with happiness at the success of Ali's show, having gone as a family to watch it. Thinking about any feelings I had, which may tie in with taking Agrimony, I did risk confrontation with Bill, rather than just agree with something. He thought that I was disagreeing with everything that I said but I was simply trying to give my opinion, which was different from his. I knew that my opinion was as important as his and I did not feel that I had to agree with him to keep the peace. Unusually, he left the room rather than me. Equally unusual, I later explained to him that I am taking Agrimony and that I was just giving my opinion, not trying to start an argument. Very interesting and there were a few moments when I wanted to rush to the Bach Box and take a swig of Centaury (to stand up for myself) or Holly (for feeling hurt and angry) but these feelings passed and we had a lovely trip to the theatre where hands were held and laughter shared. I'm intrigued to see that this one remedy is helping me to do things that I used several others for. Not that what I've been doing all these years is wrong, 'cause it works, but has my impatience to get everthing "fixed" quickly actually been quicker? Mmmmmmmmm..............
Posted on Fri, April 15, 2011
by Linsey Denham