Happy Wednesday!
If you read last weeks blog you'll know that I was feeling a wee bit tired. Well, it goes beyond that this week and I really have got to look at what's going on with me. I know that Olive works for tiredness and I have taken the odd dose but have I put it in my daily remedy bottle?? Why not?
It's the "why not" that I've got to look at and isn't that often the way when we discover that despite all of our telling other people that they really need to look after themselves, we forget about number 1 and don't walk-the-talk.
I can seriously feel something looming if I'm not careful. Dr Bach said that illness was not far behind if someone was not being their usual self and this tiredness is not usual for me. I even had a friend primed to pick me up a pregnancy test-that's the kind of overwhelming tiredness it is. It promoted a very lively discussion at the dinner table about me and my suitcase and the pavement, let me tell you! The kids were actually probably horrified that such a thing could actually happen but we all had a good laugh about whether it would be Bill or me who would be leaving home should the scenario ever arise.
Tiredness can be a warning sign for us and we should heed it. I crawled back into bed yesterday morning for a couple of hours and yet still needed to be tucked in by midnight. Tonight I plan to be tucked up by 10 and if I'm not feeling any more energetic I'll be going to see the doc next week!
I will, however add Olive to my bottle and perhaps Elm and Mimulus. I'm not aware of being overwhELMed but I think that perhaps I don't have a radar for that emotion. My brain just doesn't seem to recognise it and it shows itself physically-usually in my back, which is only marginally niggly at present, though.
Mimulus is for fear and for timid people who are often scared of life itself. Now, people looking at and listening to me never suspect that I am such a type but the rough and tumble of life is frightening to me and I do use Mimulus when I am needing courage to keep going. I also have a fear of success! Not of failure, surprisingly because that doesn't bother me or does it?
I have been having a great time gaining new clients to work with, which I love. I am making contacts to promote my teaching of Bach and Reiki and I'm writing my book, which I think will be very publishible.So my business is growing and the potentials are there for it to be exactly like I planned it would be but it feels like I'm ready to run off in the opposite direction from it all.
I am doing little exercise, minimal self-healing and no swaps with other practitioners.........Mmmm
......why? Answers on a postcard! No seriously, I think that I just need to get myself in front of another practitioner and have them do some diagnostics. Sometimes you just can't see what you are doing wrong or what you should be doing right because you're too close to it. I am normally pretty good at balancing out my emotions with the Bach Flower remedies and Reiki but isn't it great to be able to recognise that sometimes I plain and simply need help with it.
So, if I'm still "rabbitting" on about being tired next week, email me en-mass to tell me to take some Willow for feeling sorry for myself and to do something about it-please!!
On a much nicer, happier note-I had a lovely surprise yesterday from my wonderful "sis" in Sask, who is coming over to visit at the beginning of Dec-yippee! I've already blocked off the week in my diary and am planning where and what to see! My kids' only concern is who's getting turfed out of their bedroom for the week!!
And on that note I bid you goodnight and wish you a wonderful coming week,
Posted on Wed, October 14, 2009
by Linsey Denham