Discovering my hidden heritage ? Day 23

Discovering my hidden heritage ? Day 23

Happy Wednesday and the news today is that I seem to be embracing my musical-side, as well as wondering if I have a bit of Native Canadian Indian in me ?
I have started to "war-dance" (for want of a better description but I am sure that it is a peace-dance :-) and I have no clue why I keep doing it. The whole bent knees stomping thing with accompanying sound, if Bill's around. Bizarre but keeping us amused. Singing is also prevalent, which is a bit of me that I have never given much time to, even though I love it.
After I did my meditation this morning I was left with thoughts of being humble. It felt like I needed to proceed quietly with all that I am doing rather than telling everyone about the programme. This is the opposite of what I thought I was supposed to do which was to inspire, by telling everyone about it.
"Lead by example" was what kept floating into my head "not by telling and talking" were close behind.
I will keep blogging about it, I think but I may not "shout" about it otherwise.
Vervain is the remedy for overenthusiasm and perhaps my using it, at the moment, is helping me to see that I don't have to try to convince anyone to do anything. It's not my job to convince people that the way I see things and do things is the right way.
It is definitely the correct way for me but my course through my life is never going to be exactly the same as anyone elses.
My doing twice daily meditations is great for me. It does not make me better than someone who does no meditation nor worse than someone who does meditation all day.
It is my reality just now and it is perfect for me.
I don't want to want it to be any other way and that's great. I do not feel (and hope that I don't sound) smug about the fact that I am loving life. I am curious about what is coming but am trusting enough to be able to enjoy today without fear of the future.
TODAY, that is :-)
Anyway, got to go to Alis parents night so will say byeeee,

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