find a silver-lining in even 'failed plans'

find a silver-lining in even 'failed plans'

Standing inside Costa Coffee waiting for my friend. The rain is absolutely chucking it down and I am wondering whether I am in the right place for our catch-up. The fact that there are 2 Costas in this shopping area has just dawned on me and I have sent Lorraine a text for clarification. She may be driving, still or perhaps she forgot her phone. I will give her 15 mins and then swap shops. This one is relatively new and so the other one (inside WH Smiths) may be where she is already sitting........waiting.
Sometimes we fail to give another person clear instructions about what we want to do and this is an example of that. The shops are my local ones but it wasn't till I was driving here that I remembered that there are 2 Costas and that, if Lorraine hasn't been here recently, she may think that there is sill only one-the other one. In these days of mobile phones, it might be easy to rectify our miscommunication but in days gone by, many a coffee catch-up probably didn't happen because the parties involved got their wires crossed. I am standing where I am because I think of this as being THE Costa coffee. The other one is WH Smiths. But, for Lorraine, if she doesn't know that they have opened a new independent Costa, being in WH Smith makes perfect sense.
So, after waiting my 15 minutes, I jumped in the car and went across to WH Smith. I wasn't being lazy, it was still pouring torrential rain from the heavens and I didn't feel like the walk there and back for the car.
No sign of Lorraine in WH Smiths so I fired off another text to say that I had moved location but, by then, I was beginning to wonder if she had thought it was a half 10 meet. Browsing in a book shop is not a problem but as it approached half 10 I decided to check the last email that organised the meeting. (Another perk of having a Blackberry, alongside the being able to type my blog whilst killing time)
Well, you've probably guessed that somebody had got something wrong and unfortunately that somebody was me. I had the right time of day but was a week early-oops.
I will now clarify WHICH Costa we are meeting at before then.
On the bright side (much needed, as it's still wet and windy outside) I got some necessary birthday shopping done which I would have been struggling to do if I had sat blethering for a couple of hours.
In the midst of any 'failed plan' there is always a silver lining-remember to look for it :-)
Much love to all (it's only taken me 2 days to post this-tee hee)

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