Happy Wednesday everyone, especially my great friend Chrissie who sent me an email to ask what remedy I was needing 'cause I hadn't written my blog since mid-Oct. Thanks Chrissie and the answer to your question, hun is that I don't think that there is one which would have made me write the last couple of wednesdays. I'm actually pretty balanced within myself (despite what anyone might suspect) and the reason that I know this is that I have chosen not to write the blog because other things have taken precedence over it-actually, I think that the first week passed by without my even realising it was Wednesday:) That was the school holiday week and whilst my girls will say that I hardly did anything with them, I was here for them and that's important to me. Being around, in the house, has always been a priority and the year that I worked full-time was torture because I couldn't be. I have the luxury to be blessed with a husband who indulges the work that I do, without making demands on me to "chip-in" to the financial pot. This in no way should be interpretted as a sign that he earns loads of money-he simply makes ours go much further than you could believe. He compares groceries online and does our shopping with the speed and organisation that any task-force would be proud of. He also has a handle on the best deals for all our other outgoings and is ready and willing to swap companies if it saves us money to spend elsewhere.
He is not tight-fisted-au contraire, he's very generous but he doesn't believe in wasting money and never buys anything just because it seems like a bargain. I've learned a lot from him and even though I have always been good at picking up bargains and puting them aside for when they'll be needed, I was always a bit too much of a spender and still can be. I suppose it's because he deals with all the finances and allows me to forget that the credit card needs paid off each month. Maybe this month and on the run up to christmas I shall look at myself and my spending a bit more to see if I can't be a bit more like him.
This post was to be about good friends keeping you right and I suppose that my hubbie is my best friend and he very gently and lovingly always tries to keep me right and true to who I am.
Example: I applied for a xmas job in M&S (something that I had joked about since beginning nursing in 1980) but as soon as I pressed the button accepting an interview I was consumed with thoughts of not wanting to work too many hours and feelings of guilt at stealing a wee students job. I had a few days to mull everything over and my lovely man simply said that I didn't need to go to do work that wasn't what I really wanted to do. He told me to take the hours I could work and write for that amount of time each week. WOW-talk about friends keeping you right.
I decided to go for the interview anyway, planning to tell them that I didn't want to work the 16+ hrs that the job had been for and I was glad that I did. It was a lovely experience. I met a wonderful lady with a beautiful Spanish accent who made the whole role-play process bearable and who's attitude convinced me that I would enjoy working for her company. She called me later that day to offer me a contract but I refused it because it was more hours than I wanted. Bill says I'm now on the "naughty-list" and won't get any hours but I'm still optimistic.
However, if I don't end up doing christmas sales assistant for M&S I have no doubt that I was meant to have the whole experience around the application-even if it was just meeting Maria.
Back to the "friends keeping you right" theme-sometimes it can be really hard to allow yourself to be seen as fragile or struggling-even by your friends or perhaps even more so, by your friends. But how wrong is that? Those are the very times that we need others around us and yet we have a tendency to shut ourselves away, when we doubt that we can keep up the pretence of all being FINE.
My friends know how much I detest the word "Fine" and they stumble over finding a different word when I ask them how they are. It's a bit of a laugh, really, but it does make them think a little bit more about how they are feeling.
Agrimony is an incredibly helpful Bach Flower remedy for people who feel that they have to hide all their worries from the world, often puting on a smiley face and making jokes about any troubles in their life. This wonderful remedy allows you to be able to share how you are really feeling and to stop worrying about other people judging you. It can help you to sit in the quietness and be with your thoughts instead of avoiding thinking about how you feel. It can help improve sleep quality, if those torturous thoughts that you refuse to look at in the daytime haunt you at night. I love this remedy for men and teenage boys, who think that it is their duty to keep all their problems to themselves and be strong. I have used it successfully to help people recognise that their "stuffed-down" emotions are actually manifesting as physical symptoms and with the use of Agrimony, these symptoms have lessened and sometimes disappeared altogether.
Everybody loves to be a good friend and to help a friend allows us to be able to ask them to return the favour, if at some point in the future, it's out turn to struggle.
This coming week, take a look around at your friends and see how you can help to make their life a little easier. You can't make them happy-that's their job-but you can let them know that you are there for them and give them a little nudge if you think it may help.
Just like my little nudge from my friend this morning. She knows I love to write and so "why the silence?" I'm just so glad that she was looking to read my blog. I suppose I'm never sure whether anyone does but I love to write it anyway. So, if I've been silent for a couple of weeks, please give me a nudge to remind me to write, if I can. I don't feel guilty if I don't write each week-again progress from the old me who would have worried that people would think that I was a failure 'cause I'd missed a blog.
Finishing up, please sent positive thoughts to my Jen, who's off school with a lousy cough and fever and remember to contact me should you wish yours or a friends/loved ones name added to my Reiki healing list.
Sending much love out to all, especially Chrissie (and Elm may help you with that avoidance, Mrs, if you simply don't know where to start:))
Posted on Wed, November 3, 2010
by Linsey Denham