Happy 2016...My plan is to help as many people as possible.
Happy New Year Folks and let's hope that 2016 is a year that we can all throw ourselves into making wonderful for ourselves and others.
My plan is to try to get my book finished and published and to also try to help as many people as I can, to be happier in their lives.
I can't change the lives that people are leading but, if they are feeling unhappy with their lives, I can help to change those feelings with the help of the Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki and some mindfulness.
Years ago, I didn't believe that it was possible for me to feel happy. I had pretended to be happy for many years, knowing that what was happening in my life should have meant that I felt happy.
Knowing and feeling are two very different places and those of you who struggle to get from knowing to feeling will understand this concept.
Even after counselling and CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) I still was unable to make the leap from knowing to feeling.
I knew that I was a good, kind, clever, deserving and wonderful person but I had the exact opposite feelings about myself. I felt bad, unkind, undeserving and hopeless.
How Bizarre is that? But there are so many wonderful people who come to me as clients that are feeling exactly the same way as I used to.
I LOVE that I am able to share with my clients and friends what worked for me whilst assuring them that I most definiately wore their T-shirt at the beginning of my journey to connect with my Happiness.
It IS possible to get there, my friends but only you can decide to take the steps to get there.
I'll be here though, if you decide that I can help you.
Much Love and all the very best of everything is being wished for you for 2016.
Posted on Tue, January 12, 2016
by Linsey Denham