Hello from sunny Florida!
It's 7am here and we're up and ready to get started with all our chores. Loads to do but it all seems very do-able and I've got some fab radio channels preset to help us along!
The journey here was as ordered-smooth and on time. Absolutely perfect!! For those who don't believe in cosmic ordering-you need to get a wee book and try it! The only minor irritation was in U.S. customs and that's because I hadn't had my usual doses of my impatiens. Recognising that there was a definate correlation there, I took a mega dose of rescue remedy and managed to stop tapping my toes and fingers and commenting continuously about how things could go much easier in the immigration dept!
On our second leg from NY to Orlando there was a family of 5 in the row in front and they did bring a smile to my face 'cause that's how we usually travel. The wee one was just like Ali and was keeping her dad busy with her chat and singing. The oldest was a bit like Andrew with his psp on constantly and able to watch the movie and to converse at the same time.Middle child was a boy who I couldn't see or hear. Perhaps our equivelent of Jen????
I finally realised that they were Irish-very strong twang which had me guessing which language they were using initially. How bizarre to think that they don't reside very far fron us and are speaking english and I couldn't understand most of what the dad said!!
Well, this is just a wee short note 'cause I promised the kids that I'd put something for them. It's very strange being here without them and seeing a younger version of our family on the plane (oldest was probably 12) made me realise yet again how fast my 3 are growing up.
This will be an interesting few days for them without us. A little bit of responsibility for themselves to practice with. Unfortunately for me, they'll be needing to build this up as the big 2 especially aproach adulthood.
It's a very scary age for them, I think. I remember all of the mixed emotions that went with being neither a child or an adult. You feel like you're floundering a lot of the time. All I can say is that most of it will pass and it's perfectly normal. Dad and I will always be around to help, if you're struggling (even when we're thousands of miles away in Florida!)
Okay-now that they're mega embarrassed that their mother has mentioned them online, I'll sign off and go have breakfast and get to my cleaning!
Things are not as in need of a good clean as we thought and so we might even get some time off for good behaviour.
For them-we send buckets full of love and I may sign on to do another blog. Mx and Dx
For the rest of you-have a good week,
Posted on Wed, January 28, 2009
by Linsey Denham