Holly for mind-reading and Pine for feeling guilty...a wee post.
Here's what I know-well, one of the things that I know:
We are all very good at giving ourselves a hard time. We spend loads of time helping others (husbands, kids, friends, family, clients) and yet, when someone asks us whether or not we are using out Reiki, remedies, meditation etc for ourselves.......we often as not are not.
Luckily, at the moment I am using all the tricks in my toolbox to help me to move forward with my writing. I do need to make up another bottle which contains Holly and Pine, though because I found myself mind-reading with Bill last night.
He sounded quiet.
He sounded fed-up.
He sounded like he was hiding the fact he had a cold, from me.
He didn't say that any of those things were going on....I imagined it, perhaps justifying my imagination by calling it 'intuition'.
The truth is, I was feeling guilty because he's working extra to keep two houses running and I'm sitting on my rear-end writing....and loving it. And so, I imagined that he was feeling resentful of those facts and thinking to himself that I should be getting a real job to help....and perhaps he is.
But I don't know that and there is no point in my beating myself up for something that may not exist. And so, I will make up some new remedies (the plants got the last of mine this morning) containing Holly (for suspicion) and Pine (for feeling guilty) and keep on with my Scleranthus and Cerato for my decisions-making. Mmm? What else?
Posted on Fri, November 7, 2014
by Linsey Denham