I need Impatiens

I need Impatiens

As I sat down to write this I was thinking to myself how much time I had to get it done before I have to go pick up Alison and what else I could be doing before I go! A sure sign that I am being ruled by the clock again and still needing my favourite remedy-Impatiens. I did notice last night that I felt incredibly "cosy" after I got into bed which was a complete turnaround from the 3 consecutive nights were I had to perform bed-aerobics in an attempt to warm up the sheets! Another sign that my remedies need refilled as they help with those ongoing female changes which include lack of temperature control for me!

I haven't written anything in a couple of weeks as I've felt a bit "off" but the good news is that all my bloods came back normal and so I really just need to adapt my lifestyle to be kinder to myself. Sitting with my wonderful GP last week and hearing all my possible reasons for being tired, I realised that what was happening was probably a delayed reaction to mum's death! Why was I not looking after myself??? So, after telling him, (through tears because I always get emotional with this one GP 'cause he can see right through my smiley face!) that I hadn't been eating fruit and veg or exercising or getting enough sleep, I suspected that the bloods would be okay and what I really needed was a boost to my energy system.

I have made 2 huge pots of soup today full of veg and I actually ate a Kiwi yesterday-there's progress! The sleep and exercise are on the list of to do's and my remedy mix will include star of Bethlehem to make sure that the shock to my system in June is well and truly shifted. And I should be sorted by the time my friend Lynn arives from Saskatchewan on Dec 6th for 9 days. I'll need lots of energy to drag her around Edinburgh and Scotland although the most important part of the visit will just be spending time chatting with her! My kids keep asking me if I'm excited-what is that? I know that I'm really glad she's going to be here but excited is not an emotion that I "DO" Is it one that I should strive for? Perhaps I just need to accept that my positive emotions still have not reached the childhood level of excitement and I that I no longer feel the need to pretend that I am a way that I am not!?

Pink-Night came and went at my peak of tiredness and I could have wept on the actual day! I don't think that I was feeling sorry for myself-just "spent" and it was reflected in the fact that i didn't even stop to put make-up on or do anything with my clean-at-least hair! Hopefully everyone still had fun even if my head was not firing on all cylinders and we did raise £675, which was fab! I'm almost finished with the thank-you notes and the money will go between the Moonwalk and the local breast cancer ward.

I'm seriously thinking about doing the moonwalk again after saying that i wouldn't. It was such a great friendship experience that I'd love to repeat it but I know that fitting in the training was difficult but it did get done, which made the walk very do-able.


Ali's needing picked up as it's a cold dark autumn night and the wee bit exercise will do me no harm! Life is good and I hope that this finds you enjoying yours.

Till the next time........................




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