indian head massage (courses for 2013) with Dee

indian head massage (courses for 2013) with Dee

For today, I just wanted to post some details about a friend of mine who's a wonderful therapist and teacher. She teaches various things but I wanted to help her to fill up her Indian Head massage courses for this year. Her teaching room is full of lovely energy, as is she and the weekends will be full of relaxation and laughter because that's how she makes you feel-relaxed and happy. Below is some information about the courses and how to get in touch with Dee. If you have ever thought about learning Indian Head Massage (IHM) perhaps Dee's the one to teach you.

Happy Tuesday folks,


What you will learn - Indian Head Massage;

(NO previous massage training is required to attend this course)

-The history, background and the benefits of IHM.

-Chakra energy centres and a basic introduction to anatomy and physiology.

-Massage techniques - the power of touch (demonstration and practise)plus the full, basic massage routine (demonstration and practise in stages)

-An introduction to aromatherapy oils, crystals and colour for treatments.

-Precautions - general and contraindications for treatments.

-Self-care for relaxation and balancing stress.

-Introduction to relaxation and meditation techniques.

This course runs for 2 days which gives you ample time to learn and practise the Indian Head Massage routine. Included in the course is meditation, which is a great tool to support your own self-healing and help you feel less anxious about learning. During the course, students realise that there is the added benefit of receiving treatments throughout the weekend and find themselves very relaxed and chilled by the end of day 2!

Course dates 2013:

Level 1: 4th/5th May, 21st/22nd Sept and 16th/17th Nov
Costs - £175 (deposit of £55 to confirm place) which includes full training, a course-manual and follow-up support by telephone or email, with Dee.

On completion of Level 1, you can opt to attend Level 2 of our training programme and gain a diploma certificate which allows you to practise as an IHM therapist.

Level 2: 25th May, 7th Sept and 30th Nov.                                                                                                       Cost: £185 (deposit of £55 to confirm place)

All Classes are held at Tao Clinic in the West End of Edinburgh

More information from  or call 077 477 06053 



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