Here we are, Happy Wednesday!
I'm sure that there was something really funny that I was going to write about today but it's a bit like remembering the dream I thought that I'd remember during last night-GONE!
Never mind, if it's meant to be shared, I'm sure that it will come to me-Aha, it just did!
I received a reply to an email that I sent, which I didn't know I'd sent. This website is set with a subscribe button and up till now I've meant to get in touch with the webman to find out exactly what that means! I know that I wanted a facility for capturing peoples emails so that I could gauge traffic and also send out a monthly newsletter and I vaguely remember being told it was done and how to do it but, also like last nights dream, it's all a bit cloudy.
For anyone who's subscribed, I apologise for the lack of reference to you and also for the distinct lack of any newsletter-this weekly blog is all that there is-SO FAR!
I have added the webmans name to my do-do list and I will hopefully get it sorted soon. I also want him to make me a page where people can just book onto my courses without having to think about phoning me to find out if there's still a space. I never pick up the phone to do that and am always glad when I can just click and buy!!
So, for anyone who may be contemplating coming along to meet me-watch this space 'cause it should get easier in the near future.
I taught my first level 1 Reiki last week and had a lovely day with 2 wonderful women, who made it easy to want to share my knowledge. I am so excited for them to be beginning the same journey with Reiki that I began almost 3 years ago. I had never had any thought of learning, never mind teaching anything other than Bach Flower remedies but obviously the universe sent me my 2006 challenges to lead me to the Reiki path that I took.
The people who have come into my life this past 3 years are many and varied but I have made some fantastic friends. Life is busy and so none of us get to spend lots of time with many people but it's great when you have loads of folk that you feel easy with and can grab a coffee and a blether with t the ring of a text.
I'm as usual, plotting and planning and this years pink-night is going to be a joint venture with my "moonies". I no longer feel the need to do it all myself and am comfortable in the knowledge that these girls are all about fun and friendship. The pink night is just that and we raise a little bit of money into the bargain.
I didn't ask anyone for sponsorship for the moonwalk and so those of you who know me will know that I'll be after your money for a pink-ticket, which gives you the chance of winning a prize, even if you can't manage along!!
Sitting typing this in my kitchen, it smells like Christmas! I hear you gasp "she can't be cooking turkey already" and want to explain that it is the smell of fresh paint that is filling my nostrils.
My dad used to paint out house every christmas and so now when I smell paint it brings back memories of childhood and christmas. My mum must have been demented-can you imagine? Trying to get the house and 3 kids ready for christmas and your husbands still got to paint the walls!!!!!!EEK!
Traditions, we all want to keep them going but I can assure you that it's not one that I'm planning to honour..........
Now, advent calanders are a whole other story. I've had this cloth christmas tree, for years, that has 25 pockets to fill with a little gift for each day of advent. Ask me if I've ever managed to fill it by December 1st.........
...but you know my answer, I think! Yet each year, after New Year has come and gone, I put the thing back upstairs thinking "I'll remember to bring it down and fill it next year!" this space.
My house is very quiet tonight. Jen's scaring herself, in the front room, playing clips of horror movies-she'll never want to go to bed tonight. Ali's off at a friends to teach her the wee tune she missed at keyboard lesson last week, then she's off to guides. That child is making up for all the years that her sister hasn't gone out! And the big boy is, as usual, at the best friends and I contemplate asking his mum if Andrew can just move in! The boys never seem to spend any time here, these days and I'm reassured that it's probably because there are better game consoles up the road-after all our ps2 is broken and it's all we have!! Actually, Grandad got them a wii last christmas but it needs to be played downstairs because it needs space and so it's still very unused!
Plans for the quietness? I think that I will write a few words of my book, although my thumb is sore as I type this. I know that I don't use it for the actual typing but the holding of it, out of the way makes it really throb-any advice?? Please feel free to mail me.
The book-writing has been a bit slow of late. I blame the course-prep but know that committed writers get up in the middle of the night to do so-not me. I really like my bed!
But I am committed to doing this book, as it just feels right and I know that it may be useful to others to read a little bit about my complex mother/daughter relationship, to know that perhaps they are not as horrible human beings as they might think they are.
Okay-signing off, now and wishing you all a fabulous week,
Posted on Wed, September 23, 2009
by Linsey Denham