I've had a "stormer" of a week!

I've had a "stormer" of a week!

Okay-this week I deserve an oscar for being ultra efficient. I have sent my tax return online and sent 2 lots of course evaluations to where they're supposed to be. The fact that one lot was to be in this time last year and the other lot not far behind it, is irrelevant!! Focus on the positives, people!!!

I've actually been on a "stormer" this week and have done lesson plans for my present Bach course (again, the fact that they were supposed to be in before the course began is irrelevant) and taught the first lesson, which was great. A lovely group of ladies and it was only marred by the absence of Beth, who'd organised it. Hope you're 100% again for this coming Monday my dear!!

Laundry is calling me-my 3rd load today! TOLD YOU-"STORMER"!! I shall return.........................

......and I'm back!

Went into Sick kids on Monday for 6 hrs to hand out info on Bach flower remedies and referral forms for the staff. Hoping that they'll utilise me as much as they did during the 8 wk trial this time last year. I always feel like I'm "home" when I'm there and am so glad that I'm still linked with the place. I spent such a large part of my nursing life there that I'm sure that I'm supposed to be doing this for the staff. Knowing how stressful life can be, both at work and at home, helps me to understand that the smiley face that everyone is puting on could be hiding a very unhappy soul! Not always, but if I can help a few people to be happier inside to match their smile, well............that's fab, eh!? 

Still haven't begun my training for the moonwalk! Perhaps I'll get up every morning when I'm at the villa in Florida next week and walk around the golf course?


Don't be! Bill and I are nipping over for 6 days to paint, clean, change management company, clean, clean, get internet put in, clean, fix things...........get the picture????? I'm looking forward to being "just the 2 of us" as the song goes but the rest I could do without! Luckily, or as fate would have it, it's my quiet week (I seem to have all my clients alternate weeks) and the flights allow me to teach my course both Mondays. I get off the plane at 7.30 and teach at 10!!!!!! Gobbledy gook perhaps? Nahh, I was a seasoned nightshift worker, wasn't I and I'll be grand!

Taking the laptop with us and so may even manage to type a wee blog next week. I'll try to get it done before it turns midnight here and write it like a letter to the kids. Auntie Mo' is being wonderful and moving in for the week. She's usually a pushover for the kids and so they're looking forward to it! They might get a shock 'cause she says she'll be stricter 'cause she's in charge.........she's forgotten about Ali, obviously!

Well, on that note I'm off to bed! It's calling to me that I should have an early night. It's 10.45 and so once I have a cuppa and take off the warpaint and clean my teeth and dither about.........................what early night??

Have a peaceful, happy week folks and see if you can have a "stormer" and get loads done, like me. What a boost it gives you!!!


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