Meditation-day 2-in case I forget to post later.

Meditation-day 2-in case I forget to post later.

Good morning,
I think that typing these blogs on my phone is great but the downside is that half the time they don't make it to the website because I forget to copy them on to it.
Thus the reason for 2 postings today.
This morning wasn't quite as bright and breezy and holiday-like as yesterday but I still felt positive as I reluctantly got out of bed at half 6.
The difference that a bottle of wine the night before makes, has never been so clear. My head was "fuzzy" and I was way more ready to curl up and go back to sleep.
During my meditation I was more easily distracted and it felt much more difficult to relax into it.
Normally I sloth-it on the couch, with my eyes closed and my coffee in hand and every morning has seemed the same (wine or no wine) but doing this deliberate awareness of myself (mindfulness) I clearly see that they are not.
That's what this 6 weeks is about though and I am looking forward to discovering lots of other things about my life that I am currently oblivious to.
I still got distracted with the coffee-making (my habit of multi-tasking)but perhaps noticing it is all that's required ? Perhaps being able to recall why there is still no milk in your cup is what's important ?
Have a happy day,

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