Meditation progress, as promised.
Happy Saturday, (wrote this yesterday)
I have a few minutes so thought that I would write a wee bit about my meditations, as promised.
I have still not made it from week 5 to week 6 and I am doubtful of doing so this coming week either.
The last couple of weeks have been very busy but that really is not a good excuse for not progressing. The reason that I have not progressed, as before, is because I still have not read the instructions. I know that there will not be a huge difference in what I am supposed to do but nevertheless, I still want to do it right.
At the beginning of this 6 week course, the author, Ruth Fishel tells you to take it at your own pace. She insists that it's perfectly okay for you to take as long as you need to complete it.......and so I am. It's been 10 weeks already and there have been some noticeable differences in my relationship with my wine bottle.
I no longer wake up in the morning with the first thought being 'how much did I drink last night'
I no longer have to finish the bottle in one sitting.
I no longer cajole my hubbie into opening a 2nd bottle if I indeed do finish a bottle.
I mostly don't drink when Bill is working but if I fancy a glass, I have one without feeling guilty.
Last night I actually was thinking that I wasn't enjoying the last glass that I had and so I left it.
All very small things but added up, I am definitely going in the right direction towards moderation and a better (or no) relationship with wine :-)
I know that I believe that the best place to find myself would be to not give alcohol a second thought. To take it or leave it on a day to day basis with no control issues.
Many, many people have control issues with one thing or another. With some, it's food, with others it's drugs and there are a whole load of other 'vices' that are battled with. I am certain that the emotions behind our 'over-attachment' to our 'vice' are all one thing and that is out of balance.
I am still working with my Bach flower remedies, alongside my meditation (which is always done with some Reiki self-healing) to balance out my emotions. I know that there is no quick fix for my negative tapes that have been playing for many years. I know also that they can and will be rewritten and that my frequency of positive thoughts is now much greater than that of my negative ones.
And on that note I shall close.
Much love to all,
Posted on Sun, April 22, 2012
by Linsey Denham