meditation/thankfulness and Angels.

meditation/thankfulness and Angels.

Happy Wednesday. Having my new phone finally set up for emailing might make my blogging a bit more regular............or not.
It certainly makes it easier to get started on one, from my corner of the sofa, first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, my early morning meditations are yet to begin again. They are looming and I have been trying to do some quiet time each day but there is a definite drop in my mindfulness since I stopped, in the summer.
Interestingly, one of my meditation courses has had to be cancelled due to lack of numbers. It was the follow-on from the last course and the students had all seemed keen to sign up. Thoughts like 'I must have been rubbish' and 'the school will think that the course must have been rubbish' did pop into my head, when I was told about the cancelled course whilst rationally I know that people have probably got caught up in life and forgotten to sign up. Looking at it from a spiritual angle, perhaps I am not ready to each the 'Follow-on' as I am not practicing what I would be teaching. And so I will reflect on this fact and make a decision on it. to be the best teacher I can be involves sharing my experiences and I will share the cancellation story with the students on the other course. I will also be able to share my experience of mindfulness both with and without daily meditation.
Remedy wise ? Pine is in my bottle and is probably why I was able to let go of those thoughts of it being my fault that the course was cancelled.
I continue to observe the way I respond to events in my life and I have been reading more and more about Angels. No surprise then that I feel them working with me for the good of myself and others. I believe that they are prompting me in small ways to do things that I would not have otherwise done. If you are interested in Angels, Lorna Byrne has written some simple, inspirational books which have helped huge amounts of people to become happier in their daily lives and to have faith that they constantly have help by their side. She talks about the power of Prayer and, although I no longer feel the need for formal religion in my life, I do pray several times a day and I know that it is worthwhile. I use prayer to ask for what I want and to say thank-you for what I have. The latter I continually do throughout the day for big things and for small everyday gifts (like being able to type this without my lazy, morning body ever leaving the couch)
Thank you for my coffee, thank you for Alison getting up and organised and out the door without me getting impatient (she's getting really good at that) thank you for the sunshine this morning, thank you for the noise from the fridge which means it's working.......and so the list goes on as I travel through my day. It doesn't stop till after I say my bedtime prayers and then begins all over again before I even open my eyes in the morning.
Try it, even for a day and see how much better you feel concentrating on being thankful for all the good things that surround you rather than on all the things that you don't want in your life. It may be just what you need.
Anyway, I must go copy and paste this and then get down to the business of the day which today is with my 'holistic cleaning' hat on at 2 wonderful elderly ladies homes.
Have a great day,
p.s this will not be edited so please excuse any mistooks-ta. x

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