My contribution to world peace :-)
Wow, I hadn't realised that I had missed 5 days of blogging until I posted the wee bit I wrote yesterday-eek.
But, I suppose life is great and so I shouldn't worry that I get a bit behind on things. I sometimes wonder whether anyone reads the stuff I write in here anyway. I don't ever get comments and you would think that if anyone was reading these regularly, I would receive some kind of feedback. Or is it so bad that nobody wants me to feel bad ?
Don't worry, I am not feeling sorry for myself. Those thoughts just appeared in my head and I typed them.
I have decided to repeat week 2 of my meditation programme because I have still not read my instructions for week 3. The whole point of the programme is to learn to connect with my inner peace and to find my way so getting myself stressed whilst trying to 'catch up' with the programme seems like a silly thing to do. There are also some things on week 2 that I have been finding difficult to incorporate into my days so it makes perfect sense to repeat the week to see if it will flow more effortlessly.
Calmer? Yes definitely. Sleeping well-VERY. This getting up at 6.30 no longer feels like a holiday but it certainly is doing wonders for my sleep. I have even had 3 nights without a glass of wine which will also be helping with my quality of sleep.
It's the little changes that I am finding fascinating. Like yesterdays blog said. And Rome wasn't built in a day was it? Little changes are what make the eventual big change happen and I am paying attention to my thought processes more and more. I recognise negativity when it creeps in and I can quickly find a positive equaliser, even if it is simply my photo of Alison asleep in the laundry basket as a baby. That photo is pasted in my Daily Meditation book and is my instant source for smiles. I have also put a prayer in beside it which reads.
Lead me from Death to Life, from Falsehood to Truth. Lead me from Despair to Hope, from Fear to Trust. Lead me from Hate to Love, from War to Peace. Let Peace fill our Heart, Our World, Our Universe. Peace, Peace, Peace.
My little contribution to world peace is to find peace in my own heart. If we all were to access the power of the peace within ourselves, there would be no need for wars because we would have no fear and therefore no need to steal power from others.
On that note, I am going to finish. Today is a free day-the first in ages and I plan to do lots and lots and lots........
Posted on Tue, February 21, 2012
by Linsey Denham