Newsletter and courses

Newsletter and courses

I'm trying to get the year off to a good start and am setting dates for all the stuff I've got planned so far, for the early part for 2010 (which I've decided to call twenty Ten) 
Because I'm not totally brilliant with the website yet, this seemed like an okay place to put details of it all, so grab a cuppa and read on!! (a bit of a kop-out for this weeks blog, I know!)
This year is to be brighter, better and more balanced for all of us!
I'm now into my 4th year of running my little haven from home and it's been a very gentle changing of gears for me but I can feel the momentum building for this coming year. It feels scary and there are days that you'll find me thinking about running for the hills! But I have my Bach Flower Remedies and my Reiki and I have an army of supporters who are cheering me on to do what I deep down inside know that I am capable of.
For me, this year is all about spreading the word! I have reached a place within myself where I am no longer fearful that other people may brand me "Bonkers"! I have many friends who use the term already (with love) and I know that although they don't always sing from my song-sheet, they are happy for my happiness with being who I am! Having come from a place which felt lonely and alien (despite being surrounded by those who loved me) I now accept that the only person who can bring me happiness is ME. And that is a good place to be. It's a place where you attach no blame to other people nor things for the way you are feeling-knowing that you are the only person making you feel how you feel!
Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki (counseling and CBT not being discounted) have made this change in me possible and that's what this word-spreading is about for me. I feel strongly that if I, myself, can make such a huge transition with their help then it is only right for me to let others know how such simple additions to their life can make such a difference.
I'm excited about the prospect of being busier with all of the teaching I've got planned-it helps to keep me positive by its process. (Plus I have an added boost each time someone is helped from one of my Reiki sessions or a bottle of remedies)
I'm writing a book on Mother/Daughter relationships which is to be weaved around the sentiments of friends. Please help me by sending me your strongest impression of this relationship! It may be a song, poem or just how you feel. Negatives and positives will be included as this relationship is a complex bowl of noodle soup! My mothers death last year has allowed me to see things about our relationship that were invisible to me when she was alive. I feel her guidance and support. It's as though she's saying "I couldn't support you when I was here but now I can!"
I'm going to run a couple of validation days for those of you who've done the introductory Bach course with me and who'd like to have it certified, which will allow you to go on to level 2.
You will receive a certificate from the Bach Centre, afterwards (perhaps your first of many mailings from them!!?)
Theresa McInnes is running a level 2 at the Gillis Centre in Edinburgh 19th/20th June, so the validation day will be a nice little brush-up before going onto that! Level 2 costs £155 and Theresa's details are
Please let me know whether you'd like to book onto one of the validation days ASAP and also contact me if you can't make these but would like me to run another date (with a suggestion) before the June 2010 level 2 course.
For those of you who haven't done the level 1 Bach course yet-dates for the ones I'm running, prior to the level 2 at the end of June, are listed.
Because I know that some of you are interested in Reiki, I've included dates for upcoming courses. There are only 2 places per course and so it's possible for you to book to do this with one friend. I can arrange different dates, if better suited. Just Ask!
A group of us did some meditation/relaxation at the end of the year and I am going to run a class to see how it goes. Everyone seemed to benefit from the quiet, supportive hour which was followed by a cuppa and a chat and that format will be maintained!
Finally, I'm going to be running a course which I have thought about doing for the last couple of years called "The Invitation". This poem began as an email to friends and ended up with the author being approached by a publishers to write a book around it! Oriah Mountain Dreamer is an extraordinary, ordinary women and I have exchanged emails with her in which she has wished me luck on evolving a course around her work. I plan to keep her abreast of all that I do involving her great inspiration and hope that I can do it justice.
Any questions-mail me! If you'd like to book onto any of the courses either mail me at or call me on 0131 657 1358.
So, from what started out to be a list of Drop-in dates, I seem to have completed a bit of a newsletter-Yeh! Perhaps I'll do a quarterly one now?!
For those of you who don't check out my Wednesday-blog-please do, for 2 reasons. 1-apparently it helps me climb up the google-charts and 2- it's actually worth reading sometimes!
Sending out much love and light with this mail and hope to be helpful in some way, shape or form to all of you in 2010
Drop-in dates-all Wednesdays (unless indicated) and from 7-9pm at my house: Anyone who has attended a Bach Level 1 course with me (plus some exceptions-and you know who you are!) may drop-in for advice at any point in the 2 hrs (or for the full 2 hrs) Cost = £5 (includes a remedy top-up)
February 16th (Tuesday), March 17th, April 14th, May 12th and June 2nd and 21st.
There will be no drop-in in July or August but if you need advice/remedies you are welcome to get in touch.
September 8th will be the first Drop-in after the summer followed by October 6th, November 3rd and 24th and December 15th.
Validation dates:
(cost: £50)
Friday 5th March 9.30-4.30. Venue 322 Mountcastle Drive North
Sunday 7th March  9.30-4.30. Venue: 322 Mountcastle Drive North
Mondays 8th and 15th March 10-1pm. Venue: Piershill Community Flat 
Bach Level 1 courses: (further dates to suit can be arranged!)
(cost: £110-discounts available, please ask)
Thursday evenings x 6 weeks from 6.30-8.30pm. March 4th-April 8th 2010. Venue: 322 Mountcastle Drive North
Sundays 23rd and 30th May 2010 9.30-4.30pm both days. Venue: 322 Mountcastle Drive North.
Thursday mornings x 6 weeks from 9.30-11.30am. May 6th-June 10th. Venue: Indigo Silk, Haddington.
Reiki Level 1 Courses: (Further dates can be arranged to suit) All held at 322 Mountcastle Drive North.
(cost: £90)
Thursday 18th February 9.30-4pm
Sunday 28th March 10-4.30pm
Thursday 22nd April 9.30-4pm
Meditation (beginners): 3 week block held at 322 Mountcastle Drive North
(cost £12)
Tues 6.30-8pm  23rd Feb, 2nd and 9th March.
"The Invitation": 
(cost, including book: £60)
Sundays 7-9 pm  x 6 weeks. 11th April-16th May. Venue: 322 Mountcastle Drive North
Thursdays 1-3 pm x 6 weeks. Venue: Indigo Silk, Haddington.

Background on The Invitation

The Invitation is more than just a poem. It is a profound invitation to a life that is more fulfilling and passionate, with greater integrity. The poem was written by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, after she had attended a party in 1994 where she made a real effort to be sociable. After asking and answering the usual questions: What do you do for a living? How do you know the host? Where did you study? Where do you live? She went home with the familiar hollow feeling of having gone through the motions. So, she sat down and did what she often did to sort out what was going on--she wrote and “The Invitation“ came into existence.


The poem is a challenge to us and in her inspiring book “The Invitation”, Oriah Mountain Dreamer tells us how to meet that challenge. She invites readers to get a life instead of buying into a lifestyle.

(Oriah Mountain Dreamer leads spirituality workshops throughout Canada and the US. She is a gifted speaker and has shared her insights through numerous radio and TV appearances, including Oprah. Her other books include The Dance and the Call, written in the same format as The Invitation)


The course “The Invitation”  will explore the poem/book in relation to the participants own lives and individual challenges.

Each week 2 chapters of the book “The Invitation” will be read and reflected upon. There will  be directed discussion on how we can walk the path we'd like, rather than just going through the motions.

Participating in this course, in a safe, supportive environment will hopefully help you to achieve what Oriah wishes for us all. A happy, fulfilling life where we are able to be proud of who we really are!

N.B. Bach Flower Remedies will be available for those wishing to use them, to help them achieve emotional wellbeing on their journey!

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