overwhelmed and impatient=sick-oops!

overwhelmed and impatient=sick-oops!

Last weeks blog was easy to miss doing! My middle child and I were spending some quality time together and (as she'll be 16 this Friday) there may not be a load of those times left for me! Not that I think that she'll disown me (she'd already have done that, if she was going to) but her life is becoming busier and her friendships are important to her and have to be nourished and nurtured. And that takes time. I'm happy for her that she wants to go out to their homes and spend time having fun with them. She's busy with working and homework and I know that the time she and I spend together is precious!

Running around with the girls today, getting their haircuts (beautifully done by Jackie, in OOH LA LA Portobello, in case your looking for a recommendation!) and tooting Ali up to the Fort to complete her sisters birthday gift shopping, it dawned on me how grumpy I can be with them, when I should be cherishing the time! I think that my impatience has a lot to do with it and this past few days I've been off my impatiens because I've been under the weather BIG TIME! Unfortunately I made everyone else in the house ill as well-oops! So I was taking remedies to try to get well quickly (note the impatience again) and have ended up having to glug loads of rescue remedy as it contains impatiens.

Lessons to be learned?

Lesson 1: I teach Dr Bach Philosophy which tells me that I don't need to get sick if I keep my emotions balanced! Mmm! What went wrong? Looking back, I can see that I ignored the telling signs of being overwhelmed! I was incredibly busy but was accomplishing not a lot and I was avoiding getting started on things because I didn't know where to begin!

Both these feelings could have been hit on the head (or rather "balanced-out") by taking Elm which would have allowed me to break things down into bite-sized bits and get started which would have meant that I reached the end of a (still) busy day having accomplished things on my list!

Being overwhelmed myself made me miss the signs for remedy-indications with the rest of the house! Or I should say that I was aware of the signs but didn't get round to changing their remedy mixes! Isn't it fascinating that you can still learn a whole bunch about yourself by reflecting back on the way things might have been made easier. I suppose as long as we learn from making it more difficult for ourselves, we won't need to repeat the hardships. It's a shame that the whole house had to pay for my inattention this time round!

Lesson 2: Impatient, impatient, impatient-who me? I need to remember that I need Impatiens constantly at this point in my life! As well as keeping me calm with everyone who may not be moving fast enough for my liking, it keeps away my hot-flushes and I kinda like being without the internal central heating malfunctions!

The older I get the slower I want to live my life but having an impatient nature does not lend itself to a slower pace! Impatiens allows me to chill about the speed with which I need to live my life. It allows me to be late without feeling like my head is going to pop off and to be completely calm whilst driving to get somewhere, when time is against me. One day I am going to be able to do without my Impatiens but that day is not today and probably not for a lot of tomorrows!

So what's my message for all of you today?

If you're anything like the "non-impatiens-taking" me-get some Impatiens and take it regularly 4 drops x 4 daily! (Or use rescue remedy 4 drops x 4 daily as it has impatiens in it) I promise you that you will see a difference in how you feel! Life is meant to be calm.

Our ego urges us to accomplish, while our soul merely asks us to enjoy the process!

I'm hoping to mainly listen to my soul this coming week and I hope that you do too!

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