Say hello to the real you again with bach flower remedies
Happy Wednesday!
Not everyones cup of tea but I''ve got Celine Dion on the tv, singing away. I think that she's fab and Bill and I were impressed when we saw her in January. I've never heard someone hold a note the way she does and there are a couple of her songs that reduce me to tears every time!! Yes, I'm a big sap!!
Today I had a stall at Queen Margaret University with my Bach Flower Remedy info on it. I was really impressed with the amount of student interest in the remedies and was happy to chat with them about how the remedies might help them in their Uni' lives. One girl felt that she'd had such an instant response to the trial bottle she took that she invested in a second one for when the first runs out. As a practitioner, it's fantastic to think that what you're offering can make such a noticable difference in how someone is feeling. The great thing for me is that I don't choose the remedies which will help a client. They choose their own by admitting to themselves how they're feeling and using the corresponding remedy to balance out any negative emotion that they are unhappy with.
So self-help is really self-help. Plus, the remedies don't make you into someone you're not. Rather they allow you to be who you really are which might be someone who you haven't been for a long time!
One of the great things for me today was that none of my time was wasted. When there was nobody to chat with I reread some of the info that I had with me and it helped me to remember aspects of the remedies which can be forgotten. Even us Bach practitioners can learn loads from reading different books on the Bach Flower Remedies. All registered practitioners work from the same philosophy but we all come to the remedies from a very individual place with different experiences. It never ceases to amaze me how many of the Bach Flower Remedies I have actually used myself for specific emotions. This gives me a story to tell on how that remedy might work for someone else who may be feeling a similar way to how I did when I took it. Sharing my emotional history is something I hope will allow a client to feel safe in sharing how they're feeling, which can be a monumental task for some. I believe that people are drawn to the right therapy or treatment when it is time for them to develop in some way and this is no different for the Bach Flower Remedies or Reiki. Both these things came into my own life when I was in very dark places and needing much emotional help. My practitioners are now friends and teachers and I have a huge amount of respect for them and they for me. Respect is needed between people who work together for the good of both of them. Both practitioner and client gain from a treatment/consultation and they should both be appreciative of the other. Practitioners are best when they are helping the client to help themselves. With the Bach Flower Remedies and Reiki, it will always be my goal to empower the client to learn these healing therapies for themselves, eventually.
In one of the books I dipped into today I was reminded that the best therapists/practitioners may be the ones with not many clients because their clients keep learning to heal themselves and no longer need their services.
That's the line I'll tell Bill next time my diary is quiet!!!
Well, I've got this fantastic show on "magic" which is playing the "top 25 love songs we left behind". The 3 Degrees "woman in love" and Phil Collins "one more night have just been back to back and they are 2 of my all time favourites............................................................... except I'd forgotten about them!!!
So, I'm distracted and will sign off with this thought!
The Bach Flower Remedies can be compared to a song which stirs something inside you so that you feel different after you hear it. The remedies do not put anything into you which is not already there. They will merely flood you with the positive aspect of any negative emotion and bring you into balance so that you seem changed after taking them. They can help you say hello to the real you again.
Have a great week!
Posted on Wed, April 8, 2009
by Linsey Denham