I decided that I would type something before going to bed but wonder, now, at the wisdom in that as I am pretty tired and there may be more gobbledy gook written than usual.
If you were to ask me what I'd done, this past week, I'd seriously have to think about whether or not I did very much. I know that I was teaching a couple of mornings-the course ended the week being as much fun as it was at the beginning of the week. I could say so much more if my eyes would focus.
The weekend came and went as did Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and here I am, almost into Thursday.
I think that Clematis is called for, yet again, due to my lack of list posession and therefore lack of ticking of aforementioned list.
Perhaps I'm just a bit fuzzy about the details of my days because I know that I haven't had a sit-around week. I did some gardening and I've done some housework (bathroom cleaning) and I actually did a huge pile of ironing. For those of you who know me well-I don't iron. But Sunday evening found me doing that unimportant activity for a couple of hours. Usually I have a handful of items prior to the school week but school isn't even in.
I blame it on linen and I mean the linen content in summer clothes. I know that it's fashionable to wear it crushed but tell me that it's not acceptable to wear it straight-off-the-clothesline crushed? I can wear my jeans for days without them looking like they need washed but try getting a pair of linen trousers to look good after just a couple of days of wear and you will win my respect if you know how to.
I swing between loving being all smart and dressed up and the opposite. Today I've spent my day in my walking gear as it had been my plan to go for a power walk this morning and I somehow ended up shopping for school clothes for and with my girls. I couldn't be bothered getting changed and still haven't been for the walk. I must let you know that I have done some hula hooping on the Wii, though:)
Going back to the school shopping or more acurately the shopping for school stuff, I'm reminded of my mother being less than happy at this time of year. I see all of the frazzled mothers out there, trying to be calm and patient when the tenth pair of shoes feels "funny", which is hardly surprising after the child has spent the summer in flip flops or Crocs. It's like pulling on a pair of DMs after wearing slippers for a month-how is it ever going to feel good? But our ever-so-patient explanation doesn't get absorbed by our kids and we are often doomed to trek around many shoe stores till we finally convince them that even the trendiest pair will still feel "funny" and regularly we end up in the very first store, teeth clenched, lips pursed (to keep in the smell of the large amount of rescue remedy we have just consumed) trying not to say "I told you so"
And that's all I can manage tonight, in the knowledge that we have yet to find shoes for the girls and that I have that to look forward to in the coming week.
Send me lots of positive thoughts and wish me well, my friends. My rescue remedy will be in my bag.
Enjoy yourselves and Take care,
Posted on Wed, August 11, 2010
by Linsey Denham