Stress is just a word

Stress is just a word

Hello again! I do realise that it's been 2 weeks since I last said "Hi" but it doesn't seem that long. In fact, it only seems like yesterday that I was debating Blog?? Movie?? Blog?? Movie?? and obviously the movie with the kids won last week! I've mentioned on a previous blog that the old-me would have definately forced myself to write the blog because I would have worried that people would think me unreliable or judge me as being not-committed, if I hadn't. Perhaps the old-me should have been committed and I mean the kind of "committed" that puts you in the local hospital for the mentally unstable?? Because, to give up the chance to veg' with my kids and a good movie to write some words which may never be read by anyone-that would have to be crazy, eh??

So, the movie was good and tonight finds me in no less of a conflict on what to do or not to do! But Bill's here and the kids are doing their own thing and so I'll go ahead and type for a wee whiley!

Today found Bill and I at the High school for our invigilators meeting to remind us of the do's and don'ts of making life as pleasant as poss' for our poor teenagers who are about to embark on their exam diet. A strange term "diet of exams" and I'm sure that most of them would be happy to starve rather than sit them.I, as a teen, actually enjoyed exams-further proof to what I've already said about the hospital!?

Well, look what happened..................It's Thursday! Last evening took a similar turn to last wednesday and I found myself catching up on recorded shows on t.v. with the gang. We do watch an awful lot of television, I think but it is good for discussion and also for bonding and so we will continue for the time-being but I will resolve to get my blog done during the day as there's never any telly on during the day unless there is a sickly individual sprawling across the sofa or it's the school hols!!

Back to exams and stress and my thankfuless that my teens have access to the Bach Flower Remedies.

Whether it's a persons lack of confidence, inability to focus or fear that causes them exam-stress, the Bach Flower Remedies will help.

Stress is just a word that needs to be analysed to see which emotion is causing it. Each person has their own personal road to stress. From the "I can't do it" to the "I'm scared" to the "I don't know where to start with all this studying" there is a positive effect available for it from one of the Bach flower remedies.

 The next time that you find yourself using the word "stressed", sit down and think about what emotion you are experiencing. Think about how you would like to feel, if you can't label how you are actually feeling. Sometimes it's easier to say "I'd like to be able to try things without worrying that I'll fail" and "I wish that I didn't blush and stammer so much" and "I would like to be motivated to do regular studying"

Then you can tie it up with how you must be feeling.

I really believe that if we could rid ourselves of all of our fear that life would be so much easier and we'd all be much happier. If people were not scared of rejection, poverty, illness, being disliked, conflict...................etc we would live much more for the day and less for tomorrow. Sometimes we forget to pay attention to all of the wonders of today because of our fears for tomorrow.

Tomorrow may never come and if it does, we may actually attract that which we have most feared. I know how difficult it can be to turn around your thinking when you are in a dark, negative place but it is possible-I did it and continue to do it...................most of the time.

My back has been killing me this past week and it's easy to see how I could slip deep into self-pity. I'm that type of person-or used to be!!! I'm trying to remain optimistic that it's all going to disappear and that if I can work out what's going on in my life that's wrong for me...I'll be fixed!

Watch this space!!

Finally, you'll be glad to know that I'm up to 10 miles and about to increase to 12 miles this sunday for the moonwalk! Bill's concerned that the walking may actually be what's causing my backache but I think that the fact that it's sorest when I'm sitting means that I'm more likely being told by the universe to step-up the GOYA law. (Get of your ass, for those who didn't read the previous blog containing it)

And on that note, I'll bid you good evening and wish you a wonderful week!

Love and light to all of you,




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