Well, technology is a right royal pain in the neck-I've decided! I could use stronger language because it really is called for but you know what-what would be the point. I have wasted a huge amount of time this past week trying to get to know my new computer-you know, the fancy one with everything you could ever want! Truth is that it's not doing anything that I want it to (well it does do some things including letting me write this!) and everything is changed BIG TIME! It's a good job that I'm on my Impatiens because otherwise I think that I would have fired the thing out of the window, which would not have made me very popular in my house!
Technology is wonderful but when you depend on it too much, it can cause some serious inconvenience! My email is not functioning properly and so I'm unable to access my folders or old emails. When you work from home and use online consulting-it's a wee bit of a problem-yes?!
However, I'm maintaining my humour and am presently signed onto msn chatting with my best pal in Canada. She's coming to visit me and the great new is that she's an IT wizz-seriously!! She'll be getting plonked for her 9 days in front of this thing to teach me how it's done!! She, of course, has graciously said that will be fine and that it will pay for her room and board! I'm 7 weeks at least in debt, on the room and board front and she at least fed me great food and had a comfy bed! She's likely getting stuck in Ali's bottom bunk and will be surrounded by soft toys and wake up unable to move!!
She'll be a great sport about it all, I know and when we didn't have any technology (except the phone which we never used) 35 yrs ago we still could have a good giggle to ourselves about each others lives via the Royal Mail.
Canada is just so vast! I remember going to visit her grandparents for dinner, which was a normal thing for them to do! We drove 2 or 3 hrs to get there!! My gran lived 2 or 3 minutes up the road!
Lynn will see some very different ways of living here and I think that we must seem very "cute" to lots of tourists. Our way of life is very small compared to North America and having spent my 7 years there, I think that I can be a decent judge on it. My recollection of coming home each time to Edinburgh was one of amazement of how beautiful our city really is! Arthur Seat in the middle, the pentlands and the bridges, the new town and the old town-all blended together!
Of course, taking her into Princes street will not be so nice with all of the silly tram-works but I will beg her forgiveness for the stupidity (in my opinion) that has gone into their conception! We will have to go see winter wonderland-we take the kids each year, still-but we may just not venture out into Princes street itself!
And the rest of life? Well, my Mojo isn't completely back but I see promise of its return. I have Hornbeam (for mental ugh) in my mix and have taken Clematis today to ground myself and make me focus a bit on what needs done! I had a fantastic Karuna Reiki session from my friend Audrey last night and I mean fantastic!! The energy was different from any other Reiki I've had and to say I felt myself disappear would not be an understatement. For those of you who have not had a Reiki session-go on!
Christmas is approaching fast and Bill plans to have all the pressies bought by the end of the month-eek!
He asked today whether or not I'd started on the christmas letter and I had to be honest and say that I haven't even started making the Christmas cards to put the Christmas letter inside!! And then he said the most wonderful words that a wife could ever wish to hear. He said "I'll write the Christmas cards if you get the letter organised"!!!!!!!WOW-I love him even more and NO, you cannot borrow him!
My book has been neglected recently with my lack of oomph but it is in my mind to get going with it again, inspired by the new book I'm reading by Og Mandino. I finished my 90 days of reading the same chapter, last weekend and some of the words have really sunk in. Others, I have an awareness of and that's the way of it isn't it! Other people will find differnt words to remember and identify with but I can guarantee that anyone carrying out the 90 days will come away at least slightly more at ease with who they are and how wonderful each and every one of us is!
I was reading the blog of my most favourite author and it was all really inspirational stuff (incidentally, she's copied me and is doing her blog once a week on a Wednesday) I was left thinking about what I write each week and wondered how it could ever compare to hers when the words from Og Mandino were heard in my head reminding me that I am no less than anyone else and that we are all connected.
I gain great satisfaction from typing away on this keyboard and occassionally I think that I will have made someone smile or hit a nerve or made someone feel better about themselves. Meanwhile, though, this is about me and is for me and if I can help anyone else along the way of my having fun with words-it's a bonus!
I have a dream (like millions of others) of having my words published some day and I know that the only person that can make that happen is me! We all have words to share with each other but communication is not our greatest ability in the real world. It should be because we are all capable of it but we hesitate to say how we really feel for fear of others judging us weak or a failure or not a nice person. We learn at a young age what makes people like people and we try to conform to those standards. Communicating that we are unhappy or unable or unwilling would not get us bonus points and so we stay silent in the hope that things will improve or at least not get any worse. Reclaiming ourselves in middle age is wonderfully painful! There are many reasons we don't want to go forward with the task including those thoughts of being disliked, judged, abandonned, laughed at etc.
But as you begin to work through the built up layers of pretence by using the Bach Flower remedies, you gain strength from seeing the real you underneath and little bit by little bit you can rediscover how wonderfully unique you are that you deserve to be the happiest that you can be! I've been taking the remedies for many years and am still uncovering little bits of myself that I'm now ready to look at and accept. We are all made up of dark and light and we must accept that to be good we have to know what bad feels like! Forgive yourself for anything that was "bad" in your past and move on. Guilt is a waste of energy and can be eradicated by using Bach's Pine remedy. Perhaps it may take one bottle but for many of us it takes a good deal longer, to let go of the baggage we have gathered along our paths. But it will go and you will feel lighter and more loving towards yourself and in turn, others.
Wow, that Clematis is doing the trick-this has been the longest blog I've done for a fair time!
Hopefully you have all stuck with me to this point of saying goodbye and I wish you all a safe and happy week,
Posted on Wed, November 18, 2009
by Linsey Denham