Thank you, thank you, thank you.............Gratitude plus Bach = balance.
Gratitude-it's free and puts a smile on my face :-) I say thank you as often as I remember to. From green lights and parking spaces to finding a 1p on the pavement, I try to increase the number of things that I will be thankful for by being thankful.
We had a family discussion, around thankfulness and whilst they try to see where I am coming from, my family find me still a bit of a "fruitcake" with some of my beliefs.
I am okay with that because I know that they love me and I have journeyed to where I am spiritually from a point not dissimilar to where they stand.
I know that when you are going through a difficult time, it can be hard (if not near impossible) to think about being grateful. It really is beneficial though, if you can find the tiniest thing to show gratitude for and focus on it rather than the negative stuff going on in your life.
Our family discussion involved the BIG stuff like losing all your possessions when a tornado hits or having most of your family murdered.
Admittedly, those are horrendous events that nobody wants to experience but there is still a choice as to how you respond. You can either focus on the tragedy in all of its negativity or you can choose to hold on to any small positive that you can find in your life. In both of those BIG cases, you could simply be thankful for being alive and leave it at that. You don't even have to expand on it-just focus on that one thing to divert you from giving all your energy to the terrible stuff.
I know that I have not often been strongly tested in this belief of mine and who knows whether (if push came to shove) I would be able to walk my own talk ? I do hope so and for those of you who may presently be having a painful time, I am not telling you to pretend it's not happening. I am only suggesting that you may feel less awful by spending time trying to "grow" the positive. Tend to a tiny little positive and give it your attention and watch the feeling expand. Whether it's the sun shining or the roof over your head, the fact that you have enough food or that you have a job that pays the bills.......all of those are everyday things that we can be thankful for.
I am getting better snapping myself back from negative thoughts and looking for "silver-linings" and I will continue to try to help anyone who finds it difficult to not be dragged down, focussing on their negative experiences. I will offer encouragement and be a cheerleader for those who are struggling with their emotions and feeling despondent in their lives. Sometimes it can seem like nothing good will ever happen again but if we dare to look, we will be able to grasp on to something good in the NOW.
Bach flower remedies help to balance out negative emotions
So does gratitude :-)
Oh and my meditations are still going well but I am still sitting on the sofa, after my coffee. I have given up getting up at 6.30 when I don't have early stuff on in the morning. I do my meditation once the girls have gone to school. I am thinking, tho' of how much better I feel (not instantly) when I am all ready for action by this point in the day rather than curled up in my comfy spot with loads still to do.
Memo to self.
"Re evaluate getting up early VS liking my bed"
And on that note at 8.38 I am off to have breakfast and get dressed.
Have a lovely day.
Posted on Thu, March 8, 2012
by Linsey Denham