The "lost-blog"

The "lost-blog"

Okay-I could cry! I just spent an hour on a really good (in my oppinion) blog and I nudged a wrong key and it is gone and I have nothing!!! What this teaches me is to always save my work-something I thought that this thing did automatically-Ugh!

So, now that it is 10.32pm I am not going to try to recapture what I wrote 'cause I'm just too tired and want to go to bed! However, having just wrote that I do realise that I'll have to explain that I started off the "lost-blog" with the sentence-I'm not as tired as I was last week-so good news although I still may need to go take some willow 'cause this is supremely unfair! Boo Hoo!

Or should I be saying Tee Hee. After all, there's absolutely nothing that I can do about it and feeling sorry for myself will not be any good after concluding the "lost-blog" with "so lets all have a happy week"

And the week starts here, in this minute and so on that note I'll smile and say goodnight and have a lovely week,


1 comment (Add your own)

1. esther wrote:
i found your blog , do you want it back?

Wed, November 11, 2009 @ 3:28 PM

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