The things you say you'll do...........
Sitting here waiting for someone to arrive, I think that I need to have more Impatiens in my remedies. Have just stopped to take some as I know that being impatient is not helpful;
I wrote the above this mornng and it's as well that I took the impatiens because it's been a busy old day!
Not in a bad way-I just might have got frazzled with less impatiens in my system.
The big thing that I did today was sign up for the moonwalk in June-EEK! I need to build up to 26 miles in the next 27 weeks-YIKES! See what a little harmless girlie chit-chat turns into!!!! We all sat around the table eating our chinese food and then pretty much all of us decided that the NewYear would have to be one of weight loss. Who's bright idea it was to do the Moonwalk (to guarantee weight loss with all the training we'd have to do) I'm not quite sure-it might even have been mine!? The next thing I know, I'm getting an email from LJ saying she's gone and registered and that we better log on and do the same!!! Did we really mean it?-I racked my brains and concluded that we did and that I better do as she says!
So watch this space 'cause I plan to weigh and measure all of us at the beginning and end to see if we were wise mature women or just daft old bats!
Otherwise, the new year is off to a quick start and it's my hubbies birthday tomorrow. Mr "impossible-to-buy-for" will probably have to settle for me being especially doting unless I come up with a really neat idea in my dreams tonight or the lottery pays out! Keep your fingers x'd.
I know that this is a diddly little blog this week but at least it's more like a blog than an advice column. I think that I'll have to rejig the site to have both my blog and my view on life with the remedies on it. But when would I ever get time to write both unless I get going with that other new year resolution to write something down every day (-and that doesn't mean my to-do list!)
On that thought I'll go!
Posted on Wed, January 7, 2009
by Linsey Denham